Chapter 4

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     She's not what I was expecting. She drops her bag on a small chair and starts to look around even though its not much to look at. She goes into the bathroom for a moment and them comes back holding $70, I'm not sure why she didn't just take it out in front of me.

"Here" she reaches it out to me and I gladly take it, quickly shoving it in my pocket, "so what's your name" she asks


"I'm Adeline" but of course I already knew that I knew everything about her. From when she was born to her favorite color. It was my job to know everything about her but I couldn't let her know that.

"You have a pretty name", I had to gain her trust and get her to like me. She of course did have a pretty name though but that's not the reason I told her. She seems a bit stunned by the compliment but thanks me after a moment anyways. She grabs one of the blankets and pillows from the bed and throws it on the ground. I almost want to offer her to sleep on the other side of the bed, its a king-sized bed so would anything really be wrong with that?

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