Chapter 5

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     After I make my "bed" on the ground I grab a pair of pajamas from my bag along with my shower things, "Um are you okay with me using the shower now?" I didn't like having to ask to use the shower but I didn't want to be rude especially if he wanted to first but he gave me the green light so I bundled everything up and headed to the shower. The water warms quickly thankfully and I step inside the shower, It's pretty nice looking compared to the overall state of the Inn which I appreciate. I let the warm water soak me thoroughly just standing there letting it wash away my worries for the time being. I haven't had time to really take everything in and accept that this may not work. I'm already having my doubts and before I know it I start to cry thinking of the future I may have if I'm not successful with getting away.

     It starts with a few tears and before I know it I'm sobbing, I try to keep a bit quite but I know if he is anywhere close to the bathroom door he will be able to hear me but I don't even care. I let the tears pour down my face while the water washes them away quickly and while this happens I start to wash my hair and get clean. 

     Twenty minutes later I'm stepping out wrapping one of the towels that were already here around me. All my tears are gone, tiredly I throw on my pajamas, just some sweatpants and a t-shirt that looks like it's at least 5 years old. I quickly brush through my long brown hair before gathering everything I had brought in here and leaving the bathroom. As soon as the sight appears in front of me. 

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