Chapter 9

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It was the day of the Christmas party and Lucy was going crazy trying to make sure everything looked perfect.

"Do you think the tree is crooked?"

"It looks perfect. Everything does, relax" I said to her.

"It's just... People usually look at every detail during these parties, I've done it myself. But after everything that happened with my ex, I'm sure they'll be paying attention to every single thing. Including if the tree isn't perfectly straight."

"They are gonna be so focused on the food that they won't pay attention to that, trust me."

A couple of days before the party we had gone to taste the menu she had picked, and it was simply delicious. It was the thing I was looking forward to the most that night. Well, that, and seeing Rúben again after what felt like an eternity.

He had been busy playing for City and Portugal and we hadn't seen each other since the Christmas market. We had been texting, but it wasn't the same, and for the party he would also be wearing a suit. Just the thought of it made my cheeks get warm.

"Oh, those must be the first guests!" Lucy said when someone rang the bell. "How do I look?"

"Stunning. Doesn't she, Julia?"

"You both look stunning. We all do!" she said with a big smile.

20 minutes later, the apartment was buzzing with people, everyone eating, drinking and chatting. But Rúben was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe something happened at work and he is running late. Relax" Lucy said.

"I am relaxed."

"Yeah, sure. That's why you are constantly looking at the front door."

"Whatever. I'm gonna go check on Julia." She was in her room playing with other kids from the building and one of their nanny's, but before I was able to made it there, someone grabbed me by the arm, pulling me towards Lucy's office.

"What the..."

"Merry Christmas, neighbour" Rúben said. He was standing in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back, that smirk on his face, while looking... While looking like the most handsome man the world had ever seen.

And I knew I was staring, opening and closing my mouth like a fish, definitely looking like an idiot. But I didn't care.

"Aren't you gonna say Merry Christmas too?"

"I... I..." I muttered, still trying to process what I had in front of me. "Yes. Merry Christmas, Rúben. When did you arrive? I didn't see you!"

"I sneaked in. And I got you something" he said, taking a step forward.

"You didn't have to."

"But I wanted to."

"I didn't get you anything."

"It's ok. Your company tonight will be enough."

"My... You..."

"Here" he said, handing me a little bag.

"Where did you find this?" I asked. Inside it there was a piano ornament just like the one we were looking for at the market.

"In Portugal when I was away with the national team."

"It's perfect Rúben, I love it."

"You do?" he asked, closing most of the space between us.

"I do. It is a perfect little copy of the first piano I ever played."

My neighbour RúbenWhere stories live. Discover now