Chapter 6

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"Can I have a cookie?"

"Julia, those are for the half-time."

"But I'm hungry now... And look, they are coming!" she said, pointing at the pitch. "Where is Rúben?"

"Wait until they get a bit closer."

"Oh, I see him! Rúben!" she screamed, waving both her hands while jumping. We were sitting in the same place I was at the Emirates, close to the tunnel and the bench, and it was impossible for most players to not see the crazy kid screaming and waving. One of Rúben's teammates noticed her, turning to tell him something while nodding towards where she was. When he looked up and saw Julia, he waved back, a big smile on his face. And when he saw me... When he same me he winked. He winked at me. What?

"He saw us!" Julia said, jumping in front of me and not letting me see if he did anything else. Though it probably was for the best, because I'm sure I was looking at him with my mouth wide open.

"He saw us, yes" I replied, trying to look like a normal person again.

"Do you think he will score a goal?"

"Scoring isn't his job, he is a defender."

"I think he will score" Julia said, sitting down while humming something.

The first half was a bit boring, but Julia's constant comments and questions kept me entertained. Me, and the people around us.

The second half was more of the same until minute 85. City had a corner, there was a bit of chaos on the area, and goal.

"Oh my god, Julia!" I said, getting up. "Rúben scored!"

"He did!" the man sitting next to us said, picking up Julia so she was able to see what was going on on the pitch.

"I knew it!" she said, clapping like crazy.

As City players moved to their side of the pitch, Rúben came closer to where we were, Guardiola giving him orders while he just smiled at us. And as he was leaving...

"Look, he sent us a kiss!" Julia laughed.

"Lucky you" the man said as he put her down, his eyes fixed on me. Great. Now this man believed Rúben was sending me a kiss. But was he? Nah. It was for Julia.

After the game we waited for him to drive us home. He had texted me the day before offering to do it and I hadn't been able to say no. He had even come over to pick Julia's car seat.

"Rúben!" she screamed when she saw him, jumping into his arms. "I knew you would score today!"

"You were my lucky charm" he said picking her up and throwing her in the air, making her giggle.

"I wouldn't shake her too much if I were you. She ate a lot during half-time."

"But I'm still hungry" she said once she was on Rúben's arms again. Lucky her.

"Where do you want to go for dinner to celebrate?" he asked.


"Julia, I don't think he is allowed to eat there."

"Why not?" she asked with a confused look.

"It's just one day, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"I am. You can put that eyebrow down" he replied with a teasing smile.


"I told you she would be dead by the moment we got home" Rúben said after we put Julia to bed. She had fallen asleep in his car and he had to carry her in his arms, all while I tried to make sure she didn't drool all over his jacket. I didn't blame her, tho.

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