•꧁ IV. - The Festival ꧂•

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Chapter Four — The Festival

•꧁start  } ꧂•

Seven o'clock rolled around quicker than expected. A knock on your door pulled you from your book. A small pile lay on the floor next to your bed.

Angel poked his head in. "Heya, toots. Charlie said ya wanted to leave soon, that right?"
"Hello, Angel," you greeted, shutting your book. "I didn't realize it had gotten so late."
"It's only been like an hour and a half?" He was a little confused, which displayed itself in his expression.

"Time flies," you said, a shrill sound cut through the air. Your hellphone buzzed and lit up, displaying an alarm that read "6:55". With a soft smile, you shut the door in his face.
He started to knock harshly on the wooden door, yelling through the wall to let him back in or to "at least hurry ya ass up, toots! Charlie's waitin'!"

Not even two minutes later you opened the door to reveal yourself in entirely different outfit. It was mainly a muted f/c but had accents of gold and silver (switch one out for black if f/c is either). A bolder color choice down in hell, but it was one of your favorites.

You walked past a stunned Angel Dust downstairs to the group. Everyone was gathered in the lobby awaiting your arrival.
Alastor approached you first. "My dear," he took your hand. "You look positively lovely."
You chuckled with a small flush to your cheeks. "Why thank you, Alastor. You look quite nice as well. All of you do. Got dressed up I see?"

Charlie smiled brightly and nodded. Her hand was intertwined with Vaggie's and the same smile, but softer, was on Vaggie's own face. Sir Pentious and eggbois were dressed up as well. Sir Pentious adorned a new looking suit vest and the eggbois all had matching hats and ties.

"Shall we depart now?" Alastor asked, pushing open the door for you to step out. You nodded and led the way out. Trickling out the hotel doors behind you were the other patrons in the following: Charlie, Vaggie, Sir Pentious and Eggs, Husk, Niffty, Angel Dust, and finally Alastor.

Alastor quickly assumed his position by your side, taking over as lead since you had begun to lead them in a circle.

After the relatively short walk had concluded, your group of ten (2 eggbois) looked around in awe at the festival decor. Lights hung from obscure places. Everything from broken buildings to dead corpses had light strung about it. The lights had a warm orange hue to them, although some gleamed red from thinly laid blood. It was truly a spectacle.

"Oo!" Charlie exclaimed, almost falling over as she tried to see everything all around her at once. "How should we do this? I think we should split up in pairs, see as much as we can!"
"Charlie," Vaggie cautioned. "The extermination happened literally a month ago. I'm not sure if it's a good idea for us to go off without a care."

Charlie took Vaggie's hands in hers and looked in her eyes. "I know you're concerned about our safety, especially after I messed—fucked up so bad. I cut their time here in half. And all of Hell blames me, I know, but they celebrate this to honor who we have lost."

Charlie spoke with such sincerity it made Sir Pentious shed a singular tear from his hat's eye. "That wassss beautiful, Charlie. I agree, the citizensss of Hell ccelebrate thisss to honor thossse lossst."

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