Chapter 7

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A/N: Season 1 Episodes 15-18

Aria entered Salvatore boarding house to the loud sounds of music playing and to find Damon surrounded by sorority girls. After trying to get Damon's attention over the loud music, she eventually gave up and turned off the music

Damon finally noticed Aria and smiled at her. "Didn't see you there. What are you doing here?" Damon asked.

"Just making sure you are alright. You seem to be having fun." Said Aria as she pointed towards the three sorority girls.

"Everything is fine. I'm fine. It's not like I've spent eternity pining after a woman who couldn't care less about me."

Aria hugged Damon. She could sympathise, though she had never gone through what he had, she had also felt the grief of losing something that once felt eternal.

"I don't know what to do munchkin. I've spent most of my eternal life pining after a single woman who couldn't care less about me. According to Anna she knew where I was but didn't care to contact me."Aria could tell that Damon was close to tears.

"Katherine doesn't deserve you, Damon. She's so very lucky to be loved by you. Your loyalty is faultless when someone gains it. She is an idiot to throw that away. Katherine is missing out." Aria tried to cheer him up.

Damon didn't say anything at that, and before he could, they were interrupted by Stefan.

"Hey Stefan," said Aria, smiling at him.

Stefan smiled at her as he sat beside her and Damon, taking the alcohol from Damon's hand. "You've clearly had enough. How about we have a family night tonight. To celebrate being free of Katherine's strings," said Stefan, hinting toward sending the sorority girls home, hoping that using the excuse of wanting to make Aria happy would see them home safe..

"Why not. Anyway, what are you doing here? We thought you were with precious Elena?" sneered Damon.

"Last time I checked I still live here. I'm worried about you Damon."

"I'm fine , you don't have to worry about me. I'm not going to turn off my emotions just because Katherine is a bitch who doesn't care about me."

Aria was watching the brothers go back and forth like a tennis match, she wanted to intervene before this got worse but wasn't sure how.

"I want to know about a woman you might have known a few years back from Duke ."

"You want to talk about women from my past?" Damon laughed.

"You killed her."

"You think I remember every woman I drained?" Damon asked incredulously, "Why do you care about a random person I killed anyway? If we tried to reminisce on every person I've killed, we'll be here for years. And that is not even going into your transgressions Stephan. So do we really want to get into this?"

"It was just a few years back Damon. I thought your memory was better than this. Is your old age already catching up to you?" Aria knew she shouldn't laugh, but that was a surprisingly good joke from Stefan.

"I don't care , Stefan. None of the women from my past mattered enough for me to remember them, especially ones I supposedly killed!" Snarled Damon speeding from the room. The two could hear the door to his room slam shut.

Aria quickly ushered the women from the house after getting Stefan to heal them. Once they were all out Aria spun towards Stefan. "Spill now."

"There is nothing to spill, Cerridwen."

"Hm. So you randomly took interest in this random woman who Damon apparently killed?" Aria enquired sarcastically.

"I swear it was an innocent inquiry. I just wanted to know if he remembered her."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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