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"Fuck no." Alystair stood next to me and dropped his bags on the floor with a thump. "Scared you'll cuddle me?" I mocked him. "I don't mind alyss just don't scream my name in the middle of the night." He looked so disappointed in me. I let out a boisterous laugh at his reaction. It takes a lot to faze him and so far the only thing I can think of is by being sincere to him. "I'm sleeping on the right side." He said as we packed our clothes into the drawers. We had enough space to avoid sharing any space. The bathroom had a luxurious shower and a jacuzzi type of bath tub. "Plus it's just like three days it's not like you'll die from my company." I shouted across the room from where I scanned the bathroom. He didn't say anything which was suspicious so I went back into the room and found him dozed off across the bed. He didn't even bother taking of his shoes or his glasses.  I took out my phone and snapped a quick picture. His glasses were falling of his face so i took them and placed them on the bedside table. That's as far nice as I'm willing to be.

I scrolled through my messages, emails and instagram, 1.2 million followers staring at me through my screen. I accepted Zora, Zainab and Jessica's follower request along with lots of other random people i recognised from school.

I woke up in irritation when i heard voices coming from the room. I squinted my eyes, that can't be right. Alystair held my phone in his hand, slumping by the desk and spoke to someone. "Alyss?" I asked in confusion. He turned his head and smirked at me then turned my phone towards me. Destiny. I stood up bregudgedly and walked across the room.

"What the fuck are you doing destiny?" Sleep coated my voice. "You didn't tell me he was this pretty!" What the fuck?

"You told her about me?" Alystair teased. "Destiny what did he tell you?" He continued and held my gaze instead of looking at the phone, the ghost of a smirk plastered across his face.

"Ohh nothing really just that you're unlike anyone he's met blah blah blah." Alystair's face betrayed him as a genuine smile made its way onto his face. I snatched the phone away from him. "Why you lying?" I stared at destiny across the face, silently begging her to go along with my lies. I did say that but not in the way she meant. "Oh come on Romen you know damn well what you said that day." Alystair chuckled behind me. "Bye destiny." I abruptly ended the call.

"I didn't." He did nothing but smile, it was unlike anything I've ever seen. His eyes held the emotion bestowed on him by the Gods. The atmosphere was tense. I never let go of his gaze not even as i heard a knock on the door. I don't know what to make of it. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" His smile was nowhere to be seen.

"Like you don't hate me Alystair." He looked conflicted but he hid it well. Alystair waged a war with himself, one i had no knowledge of. As the minutes past by I knew I wouldn't get an answer.

"So how is sharing a room with my brother?" Zora and Zainab prodded as we sat by the pool chairs talking. It was midnight and the adrenaline from the day was starting to fade. "Anything interesting happen?" Zora asked with a sheepish smile. "No we are just friends guys what the fuck are y'all on?" I chuckled because they ask me this everyday. The moon struck Zora's hijab at such a beautiful angle I didn't register the words that left her mouth. "That's not how Alystair looks at you."

"Alystair looks at me like he hates me." The words left my mouth so freely. "Is that what you really think Romen?" Zora looked at me so intensely she nearly mimicked Alystair. "Because if that's what you truly think then you are wrong." Confusion made its way onto my face. Since i stepped foot into this school Alystair has looked at me with annoyance. Sure I'm the only one who hangs out with him but that's because he can tolerate me. A bit. "He trusts no one but you Romen." The sadness etched into her words kept me from arguing. "You alone he lets in." She stared so intensely at the sky you would think she hung it. "Do not break his trust, there is a reason he is like this." Zainab leaned her head against Zora like she knew what she was saying and i felt left out. Left out because there is clearly something no one is telling me. "He is not as invincible as everyone believes. Hell I believed it too. Nothing could get to my brother. Until you came."

I walked along the corridors of the hotel playing their words over and over again in my mind. The contradiction of their words and the way Alystair acted didn't make sense at all. We are friends and nothing more or less. Friends trust each other of course so why the hell do they say it like we like each other. They're making everything a bigger deal than it is. I unlocked our door and walked in silently because it was 1 am so I assumed Alystair was sleeping. It was pitch black so it was hard to make my way around the room. I got into my side and started dosing off.

"You asked me why I don't hate you." Alystair's groggy voice pierced the silence. I turned around and faced him. "Yeah I've been thinking about it since you don't hang around anyone. I'm literally like your only friend." I chuckled but he made no reaction. "And you got mad when I didn't give you an answer." "No I didn't." I said defensively. "Yes you did." He glared at me.

"I don't know." He whispered between us. Almost as if he didn't want to say it. "What do you mean you don't know? We are friends so we aren't supposed to hate each other." I chuckled. "If it helps you sleep at night then I'll tell you it's because we are friends but if i give you the real reason you'll run Romen." He held my gaze like no other. There was no humor behind it or behind his words.

"No i wont."

"Your morals betray you. You run from your own feelings and from yourself." I grabbed him by his t-shirt and flipped him over. "Stop." I demanded, his words triggering me because someone i held very dear to me said the exact same thing. "Just stop." He didn't make any move to get free from under me but instead continued. "Let me guess, you've run your whole life huh? From yourself, your family and even your past." I gripped his shirt so tight i could see the outline of his v line as i hung my head low. "Alystair stop" i begged him so quietly he did. Just before he brought his hand to my back beneath my shirt. I froze.

My body didn't move as I lost the grip I kept on his shirt. "Please" He trailed his hand beneath my shirt and finally found it. "Romen look at me" i brought my head up in utter defeat. His hand left my skin. I thought he'd stop but he brought them to the base of my shirt. "I wont look." He uttered softly. I let him. He has a way of convincing anyone to do anything. He pulled my shirt over my head, gently, and laid it beside him. There was something so intimate in what we were doing, a line we crossed that we could never come back from. He trailed his hand along my back and traced the outlines. The outlines of my scars. I held my breath as he traced them. He couldn't see it but it took everything in me to not put my shirt back on. "Alystair." I breathed his name like it was the only thing holding me together.

"Don't do this to me." His hand left my back and found my hips.

"Don't hide Romen."

"Run but not from me."His hands gently circled my hips. "I don't think i could take that right now." He muttered between us. He took the blankets over us, "can I?" I nodded reluctantly. He pulled the blankets over us and i laid on top of him.

"Tomorrow you can forget about what happened or run, but for tonight just stay."


You asked for long chapters and i delivered :)

This is probably my favourite chapter too be honest it's literally so soft. Romen hides behind his laughs all the time so this moment of vulnerability makes me so sad i guess?? I just love them so much. I hope I'm not rushing the story tho!


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