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"Shit." Zora and Zainab deadpanned, their mouths opened wide. They eyed me up and down countless times. "I thought we served but you..." Zora spun me around to check my outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror and my ever growing ego came to play. My black tight fitted pants complimented my long legs along with a long sleeve red satin button up shit opened halfway and folded to my elbows. A silver necklace i got from my sister littered my neck. My combat boots laid discarded along with Zora's and Zainab's. "Lets go fucking party." I exclaimed and we all enthusiastically left the room, Zora and Zainab gracing me with their confident strides.

Blaring music could be heard even as we were a mile from the house. Zora drove and both Zainab and I sat in the back. "Give me your numbers." I passed my phone to Zainab and she put in both hers and Zora's numbers and gave me both of their phones to put mine in.This was a high school party with horny teens so you can never be too careful. It was pitch black around this time we arrived but the colourful bright lights from the house lit the way. The approaching house was filled with cars and horny teenagers puking in the garden. The house was huge, a mansion, it didn't fail to fit the image of the affluent area. We all walked in together just as Zainab loudly screamed over the blaring music, "see you on the other side." I nodded at her and she left to wherever.

"You want one?" Zora rummaged the fridge and pulled out two beers. I took the beer and gulped down a quarter of the bottle. "Damn at this rate your gonna need another one." She said in between laughs and i turned my head when i heard something. "This is my song!" I shouted over music. church by chase Atlantic graced my ears and I weaved myself through the dance floor. A pretty girl grinned on me and i returned the favour, our bodies moved in perfect sync, two people enjoying themselves.

Your'e wearing nothing but my t shirt. The music infused with alcohol coursed through my veins. A delirious smile made its way to my lips. My eyes were shut on the high of alcohol. I opened my eyes as everyone whispered and murmured amongst themselves. A figure that caught everyone's eyes made its way through the door, Entrapping our attention. Even the people throwing up in the garden seemed to sober up..

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