kiss three - Bellacola X Gerard Way!

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Everyone finishes their last bite. Brim gets up and rubs her hands together cleaning them.
"I shall show you our awesomeness music, oh wise woman who is a little weird but hot!!!"
Melisa giggles.
"Hm hm. I promise you I mean no harm. I am but a simple housewife." She says bowing. Brim gives a thumbs up.
"I need to call some friends, first. But let's start heading home!"

They head out of the restaurant. But before they do, Brim accidentally runs into a man covered in red clothing. His hoodie hides his face. Brim apologizes.
"Ah! I'm sorry!! I should-" Before She finishes, the man interrupts her.
"Don't worry about it." He says. Brim stutters a bit, but She simply bows and walks out. Her friends follow closely.
"So... What the hell was that?!" Anna says, throwing her hands in the air.
"Want me to beat 'em up for you?"

Brim shakes her head.
"N-No... It Twas just an awkward encounter. It's cool. Anyway... I texted
Pandora and Ryan." She says while holding her flip phone. Anna nods.
"Cool, cool." She says. They all get into the Van. Melisa turns to look at them.
"Where are we going?" She asks. Sphinx raises their hand.
"We perform at my house. So. Yeah. I'll guide you."

A few minutes of driving and Melisa screaming country songs at the top of her lungs later.

They arrive at a house. Sphinx opens the garage revealing a bunch of instruments. Brim excitedly grabs a bright red guitar. It is a
2000's Burns Bison Electric Guitar. She starts playing some riffs with a big smile.
"This is my baby...! His name is Death Satan. He's so hot... Oh. Sorry, got a little personal." She mutters without thinking. Melisa awkwardly nods and smiles with her teeth.

Sphinx approaches a drum set and sits on a stool.
"Guess what instrument I play. Oh. I'm already near it. Oh." They mutter. Anna stands near Brim while holding a microphone with the trans flag wrapped around it.
"I play the backup vocals. Sometimes I join Brim with the main one, though..." She blushes. Melisa looks around the garage. A bunch of emo and mid-70s bands are covered along the walls. There's also a couch, TV, fridge, and other stuff you would find inside the actual house.
"Oh. Do you guys hang out here?"

Sphinx nods.
"Yeah. My garage is like... Our Batcave. Yeah." They say with a smile.
Melisa gives a thumbs up.
"Ah~ I remember when I hung with my buds. Our spot was my parent's basement. Smoking weed and such. Man. Good to see you kids are just like the oldies..."

The sound of a car parking near the sidewalk catches their attention. Brim smiles brightly.
"They're here!" She yells. Two figures step out from the vehicle. They close the doors of the Honda S2000. The girl waves at Brim and everyone.

She says. Her voice is Velvety and Soft. She is pale and quite thin, but She has a nice figure.
She wears a cut T-shirt of the band "Thirty Seconds To Mars" revealing her stomach. She wears a small pink and white coat over it, and her short pink skirt that hangs and sags slightly lower than normal. Revealing almost risque skin. It is accompanied by white and black high-knee socks. But her important features are on her face.
She wears bright pink lipstick with heavy black eyeliner and a hint of purple around her eyes. Her hair is pink. They go down past her shoulders into pigtails, the pink slowly turning into a soft purple at the tips, with a braided ponytail behind her head. She also wears leather fingerless black gloves and big platform boots.

AGE: 20

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