''I do''

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****a year later****

When I woke I relized I had the girl of my dreams litterly when Willow was here Liam was all I dreamed about now shes here in my arms in my bed wearing the ring I made for her its all I could ask for and more I kissed her head and changed then left I walked over and grabbed a loaf of bread and toast it I cut it then made like three more and toasted them to I looked up to Felix approaching me ''todays the day''he said ''I know''I said looking up ''wheres Liam''he asked ''asleep''I said ''are you gonna tell her''he asked ''I planned on it''I said ''Ok''he said walking away when breakfast was ready I yelled ''BOYS'' they all walked out of their tents ''Liam as well I put my arm out she walked over hugging me and I put my arm around her ''todays the day boy''I say we raise our drinks I let go of Liam ''Ok I have to go the ship arrives today I will see you later she said kissing my cheek ''I love you''I said ''I love you to''she said running off.

Liam Povs

''Ok thats a little tight''I said as Emma fixes my corset on the outside of my kinda short dress that looks like a pirates dress but wedding style ''I know but you need something borrowed''She said ''Something blue''Snow said comeing up with blue jewels ''Something old''Regina said with a pirate hat that said Willow I found out Willow was my mothers name and that was her hat ''And something new''I said holding my new necklace that was made out of wood and had Mrs Pan carved in it ''Its time''Emma whispered in my ear with her hands on my shoulders. ''From Jones to Pan''Snow said Knock ''Little Fox its time''My dad said outside the door I get up hook my arm in his and walk down the isle ''I love you my not so little Fox''My dad whispered ''I love you to Captian''I say we do the wedding stuff and now our vows ''Liamara Willow  Jones Hook I hated loving you since you walked your first steps on my sand but I learned to love I learned that I could feel I learned that I was missing something but you came along with your sass and snarky comments but motherly attitude I can not wait to start our new life as king and queen of Neverland my love''Pan says I let out my tears ''Peter pan the nice boy from the fairy tale Peter pan the bloody demon  from my fathers stories Peter pan the lovely bad boy from the other island I fell in love with Peter pan my bestfriend Peter pan the love of my life I have never been in love I never thought love was a good idea untill I met you''I list ''Peter Pan do you take Liamara Willow Jones to be your lovely wedded wife through sickness and in health the good and the bad the dreamshade and the enchantments''Felix says as he weds us together ''I do''Peter says ''Liamara Willow Jones do you take Peter Pan as your lovely wedded  husband through sickness and health the bad and the good the dreamshade and the enchantments''Felix says to me ''I do''I say ''you may now kiss your bride pan''Felix says and Peter pulls me close and our lips move in sync and he wraps his arms on waist and I put one hand on his chest and one hand on the side of my face and then we pull away and everyone cheers.

And that kids is how Peter Pan got his happily ever after and thats how my life went twelve years ago but on Neverland you never age we did have two kids of our own and let me tell you I got my man stole away from me by my own daughter Willow Lea Pan and her older brother James Killian Pan  he is something else hes trouble but kind he over protective of his sister but I am also the mother of the lost boys.

But before we say goodbye because goodbye mean going away and going away means forgetting let me ask you one question have you ever heard of the mother of the lost boys?

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