''shes just jealous''

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''its a simple question I deserve to know the answer to''I screamed at my dad ''When will you calm down and realize I dont want you to know''He yelled at me I slammed the door I'm sure you want to know whats up then lets start in the biggening I'm Liam Jones actually Liamara Jones Caption Hooks daughter named after my late uncle were fighting on how I want to know who my mother is I have never met her I was told she died at birth but I also never knew her name or anything about her other than I got her white blond hair and bright blue eyes with gold flecks I only know she was gorgeous other than that I know nothing but I really do want to oh wait so I have this scroll she hand drew it was just a picture of a white fox I also dont know anything about. My dad wont tell me anything ''Hey little fox I am really sorry but I really have to go I love you happy sweet sixteen my little fox''My dad says outside my door ''Ok  thank you I love you to''I said back I walk to my window as the sun sets and it gets dark ''the second star to the right ''I wish that I could just take a break from realitly''I whisper ''then lets go love''A British boy said behind me ''I turn around who are you''I say ''your break from reality''He says ''do you trust me''He adds sticking out his hand My mind tells me no but my heart tells me yes I think to myself ''weirdly yes''I say grabbing his hand ''Ok''he says ''wait''I yell ''what wrong''He asks ''My scroll''I say grabbing my moms scroll ''ok now''I say he chuckles ''let get out of here''He says ''look second star to the right straight on till morning''he says his fluffy brown hair blowing back on his head ''wait Neverland''I yell ''ya did I forget to introduce myself Im Peter, Peter Pan''He says thats the last thing I heard before blacking out and waking up in a very big bed ''ow what the hell happened''I whisper to myself sitting up ''oh your awake I'll get Pan''a dirty blond boy says before leaving ''Ok''I mutter I lay back my knees propped up my hands on my head ''Ow why does my head hurt so bad''I say to myself ''thats just apart of arriving it'll be better after you eat''The boy who brought me here said ''Oh ok''I say ''Come on get dressed their are clothes on top of the dresser aswell as boots for you then come eat you have explaining to do''he says ''um ok''I mutter again he walks out I stand up then faint I forgot to mention I do that dont worry its normal for girls my age (look it up it actually is) im supposed to grow out of it once I get up I change and leave I wear a green slightly oversized shirt and brown tight jeans that are easy to move in and black combat boots ''wait my scroll''I say looking all over for it I run out ''woah woah what are you doing Love''the boy who everyone calls Pan says as I run into him in a hurry and shake his shoulders ''wheres my scroll''I say ''Oh this one''He says looking down at his hand and it appears ''Oh''I say trying to take it out of his hand ''woah love no''he says holding it up from my reach I cant even reach on my tip toes but im 5,3 so thats not helpful thats also something I got from my mom apparently my mom was only 5,4 ''Please its the only thing I have from my mom''I say looking him in the eye ''fine''he says looking at me in the eyes ''thanks''I say as he hands it to me ''BOYS!''he yells makin me jump then he smirks at me ''were gonna play game''He says ''what game''Felix asks ''hide and seek our way''he says ''Liamara here--''He starts ''no Liam''I cut him off ''Liam is gonna run and Hide were gonna seek''He says giving me a smirk with a hint of evil in his emerald gorgeous no Lee stop it ''you get 20 minuts to run and hide before we find you if we win you stay and be the lost boys mother warrior but if you win then you get whatever you want but lets save that for after''He says circling me ''ready BOYS!''He says making the boys cheer ''LETS PLAY!!''he yells then comes close to my ear ''run''he whispers I take off running I find lagoon and jump in hidding behind a rock ''I really hope he doesnt find me''I mutter ''who''a mermaid comes up beside me making me jump a bit ''Pan who else''I say ''oh that wont work he knows where you are right now but it waiting for the right time but he wont be able to find you if I do this''she says ''Do what''I say she then grab my ancle pulling me down ''PETER''I yell but my mouth fills with water were going lightning speed down deeper I soon black out after hearing the british boy scream ''ARIEL'' then nothing darkness again  I wake up coughing the water up im still at the lagoon but my head was in someones lap, Pans lap I was also in dry clothes,  I shoot up still coughing ''Love''he says his voice kinda filled with I dont know like worry ''Pan''I whisper ''yes''he says pulling me back down to lay again ''what happened''I ask weakly ''you got captured by mermaids''He says ''really''I say looking up at him hes looking at the laggoon though I sit up and look over theres the mermaid just sitting on the rock a jealous kind of look on her face but what of then she jumps into the water ''what her problem'' I say ''Oh Ariel shes just jealous''he says ''what of''I ask ''you he says looking at me ''why?''I say ''because shes in love with me but I'm giving you my attention''he says I feel my cheeks burn up and lay back in his lap ''what are you doing''he says ''just laying down''I say opening my eyes ''well if I have you here then I guess we win''He says I shoot off him and standing up but going weak again blacking out ''LOVE''I hear him scream again I wake up him hovering over me ''I'm fine''I say ''no your clearly not''He says ''yes Pan I am I do that its perfectly normal for a girl my age''I say standing up ''what''He says giving me a confused look ''yes Peter its ok''I say ''if you say so but come here''he says I walk over he stands up then says ''I win''  and walks away then I jump on his back ''Ow hey''He says ''Hi'' I say then he grabs under my knees keeping me up and we disappear in a cloud of green smoke we are now in camp he puts me down then whistles I hear the boys come running I listen to their calls closing my eyes when I open all the boys enter camp and I smile brightly and Pan smirks we make eye contact I wink and run off with the boys  to the camp fire ''Ok boys how about a celebration fire to celebrate our new lost girl''he says making the boys whoop me included ''Hey Liam right''a lost boy says ''correct and you are''I say ''Derek''he says kissing my hand ''Oh a gentleman''I say ''yes well I try''He says then a flute starts playing I look away from Derek who doesnt take his eyes off me I look at Pan who was already looking at me but with wait jealousy in his eyes I sigh and close my eyes listening to the music soon most of the lost boy go to bed its me, Pan, Derek, Felix, and a few others left ''Alright the rest of you to bed Liam come here''He says  I get up but Derek grabs my hand wanna bunk mate''He says I shake off his hand ''not really''I say ''Liam come on''Pan says I walk over ''Im sorr--''I start ''we dont say sorry but i'll let it slide this time but it wont be so easy next time he says smirking ''Noted''I say ''I'll show you to your tent''He says we wallk over to this big tent it was the tent I woke up in I look around he says ''ok here you go if you need something I'm right next door to the right''  ''thanks Peter''I say hugging him hes shocked at first but hugs me back ''its my pleasure''he says ''Ok go to bed''He says gesturing to my bed ''Oh and I put clothes in your dresser''he says ''thank you''I say ''of course Love now go to bed''he says I giggle he leaves and I change I walk over to my bed my mothers scroll lays there I pick it up putting it on the wall with some string and a small tack like peice then lay down and drift off 


''You dumb bitch how could you I wish you died and not your mother'' my dad yelled at me I feel the tears stream down my face 

''your child is a menace and your wife is dead''Mr Gold yelled at my father 

''God I knew I should never have let you in your so bad with keeping something safe Liam''Henry my best friend yelled

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I wake up screaming

Pans Pov

I woke up to screaming ''Liam''I yelled running into her tent ''Hey Love sssshhh its not real''I said sitting in her bed ''its ok I got you''I said laying her down she cried and I layed but propped up on my elbow over her brushing her hair and caressing her face with my knuckles ''Its ok''I said finally I think I got her back to sleep I thought as I watched some tears leave her eyes shes so peaceful and beautiful when she sleeps but shes beautiful all the time I start to get up but I hear her again ''P..Peter''  ''yes My love''I said ''Dont leave me please''she said ''I wouldnt dream of it my love''I said as I pulled her into me I was on my back she had her head and one hand on my chest God what is Liamara Jones, Captain Hooks daughter doing to me im not soft but with her I am I cant fall in love but I call her My Love I am the all mightey Peter Pan a Demon but she doesnt seem to think of me that what is a happening to Peter Pan.

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