001 - "I'm not a burglar..."

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Lando POV

It's the start of the winter break, and I'm on my way to visit Max. A large unit in the heart of Monte Carlo became available during late September, and as soon as he saw the advert, he fell in love.

He wasn't planning on moving so soon, however once he saw the property in person, he knew this would be his forever home and he moved in a couple of weeks ago.

It's going to be weird living in the same city as him.

I double check the address he sent me before putting it into my satnav and setting off. It's not a long drive, nothing ever is in Monte Carlo.

I arrive at Max's apartment complex and give him a quick ring, "hey man I'm outside."

"I'll buzz you up, just let yourself in." Max says down the other end of the phone as he hangs up.

I walk up the flight of stairs and reach his apartment, opening his front door and taking a second to admire his new home. "I was still expecting you to be living out of boxes." I shout, chuckling to myself.

I turn around and to my horror I don't see Max, I see a young woman in front of me. She's about my age, with long brunette hair and piercing eyes.

She looks at me in confusion, probably fearing I've just broken into her house, and I can feel my cheeks burn hot. "I'm not a burglar!"

She doesn't say anything, just carries on staring at me, and I turn on my feet and leg it out of her home, spying Max opening his front door.

"What took you so long?" He asks confused, furrowing his brow at me.

"I may or may not have just let myself in to your next door neighbours flat..." I grumble, my face still burning red.

"You what?!" Max erupts into laughter, "you fucking muppet, I hope you've apologised!"

I stare at him like a deer in headlights, why am I such an idiot?

"You have apologised haven't you?" Max asks, the tone of his voice changing to one of concern.

"I panicked and ran out." I let out a big groan, "I told her I wasn't a burglar..."

"Well that makes everything better, you better go and apologise. And knock this time!" Max chuckles, shaking his head at me.

I turn and knock on his neighbours door, secretly hoping she won't answer. But a couple of seconds later the door cracks open.

"Hi, sorry about that. I thought this was my friends place." I mutter under my breath, avoiding eye contact.

"Do you often barge in to your friends homes unannounced?" She asks coldly, her accent taking me by surprise.

"No, I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I groan, staring at my feet like I'm a school boy getting told off by his teacher.

"I guessed that by you sprinting out of the door!" She chuckles slightly, opening her door fully. "Funniest thing to happen to me all year!"

"So you're not going to ring the police?" I ask, finally raising my head to look at the young girl. She's absolutely stunning.

"And say what? Help a man ran into my house, screamed he wasn't a burglar and ran out again?" She smirks, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah... fair point. Although you shouldn't leave your door unlocked, anyone could come in." I chuckle, not realising the irony of my statement.

"Clearly." She responds coldly, before cracking into a fit of laughter a second later. "Do I know you from somewhere? You look vaguely familiar."

"No I don't think so..." I mutter.

Shit, she knows who I am, I can see this being all over twitter in the morning.

"What's your name?" She asks, furrowing her brow trying to place where she knows me from.

"...Lando..." Why didn't I use a fake name?! I'm such an idiot!

"That's it! Budget Tom Holland!" She chuckles slightly.

"I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment..." I mutter in confusion. "Well I'm going to go, sorry again."

"Don't worry about it. See you around Lando!" She giggles as she closes the door.

I turn and head into Max's apartment, where he's sat on the sofa with a look of concern on his face. "So? How was she?"

"Beautiful." I blurt out.

"Mate I sent you over there to apologise not get her number!" Max grins, a small laugh escaping his mouth.

"She found it funny I think. She's British as well. God knows what I would have done if she was French." I groan. Me and Google translate aren't the best of friends currently.

"So... did you get her number?" Max winks cheekily at me.

"No!" I scoff, "sorry I broke into your house and made a complete tit of myself but can I have your number because I genuinely think you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen?" My cheeks burn hot as the words fall out of my mouth. "I said all of that out loud didn't I?"

"Yep!" Max squeaks out through fits of hysterical laughter. "Lando is in loooove!"

My Best Friend's Neighbour - A Lando Norris StoryWhere stories live. Discover now