Never will be the same

10 3 1


"She would have stayed if she wanted Singhania." she said in my death grip , her words irked me , but she also implied that Sakshi left the temple on her own.



I left her and took the vase smashing it on the wall nearby just like how she smashed by heart , pieces of broken glass spread all over us , cutting into my skin , the blood that oozed out of my hand screamed one name.



I left the room before I can decide to drench my hand in someone else blood too , my mind was a clog of thoughts , that smirk my father had when he learned about this wedding..


And Armaan , I still couldn't trace him out , how in the fucking hell did this all happened , why in the world they look smiliar almost identical.

No matter where you are Armaan , I am going to find you , give me a chance to explain , Fuck! Even I am not sure what to explain.

Armaan loves Sameera.

Fucking hell , and that girl is sitting in my bedroom in the place of my wife , I made a sharp turn , as the day replays in my mind .

Why in the fucking world she looks like Sakshi and neither me nor Armaan knew about that .


I got stuck in the traffic , as soon as the crowd cleared in the temple, the first I did was to look for her , but she , she left me like I am nothing.

I came out and went to the nearby yard , which also belongs to the oh so great Singhania's , great just what I wanted.

" SAKSHII!!" I screamed in the middle of the night , knowing she could not hear me , I want answers , if she never wanted to marry me , then why the fucking shit she said yes.

I pulled my hair out in frustation , and above all that girl , how did she end up becoming my bride , that girl , the baby girl who I wished good , how did she now turned to be the greatest bad of me..


Rain started to pour out of nowhere , as if the clouds are trying to soothe my burning heart.

The blood in my hands remainded me of the sindoor I placed on her head , and that face ,why did she took the place of Sakshi?

Even if Sakshi left me in the fucking mandap , why in the hell Sameera took her place.

And their resemblence , no its not just resemblence but their faces are fucking identical , HOW?

Armaan , I need to find him , the pain I saw in his eyes when he saw Sameera there , that pain is still raw in my heart.

If that girl loved him , then why did she end up marrying me!!

" Why did you marry me Sameera!!"

" Why me??"

I screamed my anger and frustation in the rain , the loudness of rain overpowering my voice , I fell into the ground , my knees hitting the hard floor beneath.

I felt numb , as if all the things I ever wished for and the world is adamant to take it all , making sure I would have them never.

My disturbing thoughts were disturbed when my phone rang , I took it out to see Mom on the screen , fuck! After all the events that took place I haven't talked to her.

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