Part 4

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Scarletts pov
I sit on the corner of Ivy's bed and watch as she sleeps peacefully. She's breathing quite loud but maybe she always breaths like that when sleeping. I brush her hair away from her forehead and press on a soft kiss "Ivy" I whisper and gently shake her "Ivy" her eyes flutter open so I sit back not wanting to frighten her. She yawns and smiles "morning" she whispers "morning. Would you like some food before we go?' "yes please. Can I have some bread?' "just bread with butter?" She nods "okay" I stroke her cheek "your cheeks all read. Did you sleep on it funny?" "I don't know. It does feel kinda hot" "tell me if it gets worse" "okay". Today I'm taking Ivy to see my mom, she hasn't seen Ivy since she was born.

Ivy's pov
I get ready for the day and then meet Scarlett downstairs in the kitchen. "Good job. Here's your breakfast" she hands me a plate and a cup with bread and orange juice "thanks. Is this okay to wear?" "Of course it is, you look lovely" I smile and sit down at the table "is Rose up?" "She is, she's gone to the shop to get some avocados because she wanted avocado on toast this morning bizarrely and Colin's gone with her" "oh are they coming with us?' Scarlett nods and turns the oven off. "There's brownies after you eat that if your still hungy. I'll be back in a minute, I'm just going to get ready". I go back to eating my bread when my phone beeps, I take it out of my pocket and look at the new message

Paisley 🌺

- Ivy are you serious? Why are you listening to her? You've only just met her

+ I can't just leave

- yes, you can. Come back home and see me and your dad

+ I will once he's better. Living in Los Angeles isn't  permanent

"Everything okay?" I turn around quickly hearing Roses voice "yeah. Why?" She shrugs putting the shopping down "Scarlett said you were only getting a couple of things, not a full cart" she laughs "well it happens when you go shopping with dad". "There you both are- why's there so much food?" "You shouldn't trust us".

We get ready to go to Scarletts mom's house and then we all get in her car and start the journey. We arrive after around half an hour to an hour. "Ready?" I take a deep breath and nod "it's going to be fine, she'll love you" Scarlett closes the car door behind me and holds my hand. I take my hand out from hers and look at the floor whilst we walk over to the house. Rose rings the door bell and a older woman with black hair opens the door. "Hello! Welcome welcome" she hugs Colin and Rose as they walk inside but stops as she sees me. "Ivy" she smiles down at me and then up at Scarlett "when I last saw you, you were tiny. You look so much like your mom" she rubs my shoulder "come in , there's lemonade and cake on the table". Scarlett pushes me forward a little bit making me walk inside the house, I take my shoes off and follow Rose and Colin to the lounge. "Would anyone like a drink?" Scarletts mom asks and I shake my head "just water please" everyone puts it their orders and Scarlett sits next to me on the couch "are you sure you don't want anything?" I shake my head "I'm fine". Scarlett helps her mom in the kitchen leaving me, Rose and Colin in the lounge "what are you playing?" I ask rose and peir over her shoulder "its called payday me and dad play, do you want a go?" I nod and take her phone. It takes me a little while to lean what to do but I get the hang of it before passing it back to Rose.

"Ivy do you like brownies?" Scarletts mom asks carrying a tray "yeah" she smiles and puts the tray on the table "good. Your mom-Scarletts in the kitchen, she can help you find them" I get up from the sofa and walk up the steps "all of them?" "Yeah" I go to the kitchen and see Scarlett looking out the window holding a mug "um hi" I smile and look around the room "hi, mom sent you in for the brownies ay?" I nod and she smiles "you take them and I'll take a couple of plates and forks" I pick the box up and follow Scarlett back to the lounge. Her mom puts a brownie on each of our plates and we all say thank you. "Oh my name's Melanie, I forgot to say" "mom tell the girls about your new plan?" "Grandma has a new plan? Is it change? Grandma doesn't like change" Rose says "yes it's change. I'm going away on holiday to Mauritius" "cool" "can we come?" Rose asks and Scarlett laughs "no, you've got uni and Ivy will be at school" I quickly look at her "I'm going to school?" "Yes your going to school. We aren't sure when your going back to Manhattan so we think it's a good choice" I frown "it's not a good choice" Melanie laughs.

Scarletts pov

Ivy seems to be getting along with mom really well and that's everything I could ask for. "Ivy have you ever seen this photo before?" Mom hands her a picture across me which I catch a glimpse at

She shakes her head and I smile softly reliving the moment. "It was your first ever holiday when you were two months old, we went to Barbados" "oh cool. Did dad and Rose go too?' I nod and stroke her hair "they did and mom. You were actually a very good baby considering" "what does that supposed to mean?" "You were hungry and you didn't like leaving my arms. Not for Rose, or mom, you were definitely a mommy's girl" "a very hungry baby. We pulled over so many times so you could feed" she scrunchies her face "eww" rose does the same making us laugh "please don't go any further". "I was kinda cute, bold though". My phone starts ringing and I take it out of my pocket to look at it, it's a unknown caller but I should take it. "I'll be back in a minute, I need to take this,x they all smile and I run my hands through ivy's hair on my way out. I answer the call once I get to the back door "Hello?' "hello, is this Ms Scarlett Johansson?' the woman asks from the other end "yes, this is she. Who is this sorry?" "I'm Margaret calling from NYC hospital, is your daughter around?" "No, both of them are inside" "okay. I'm calling about Mr David Long, Ivy Longs father" "that's my daughter, has something happend?' "Mr Long passed away early this morning after suffering from internal bleeding " my hand flies over my mouth and my eyes suddenly start hurting "I'm sorry ms Johansson, I informed you as quick as I could" "n-no that's fine. I um- thank you' "your welcome. Sorry we couldn't do more". I fall to the floor after the call ends and I bring my legs up under my chin "Scarlett, babe, what's wrong? What's happened?" Colin bends down and puts his arms around me "he's died- he's fucking died Col" I cry and lean into his chest "oh Scarlett" he kisses my head and rubs my arm "I don't know why I'm so upset, I hated him so much. I'm furious for her, how am I supposed to t-tell her?' "sshh don't think about it now. Leave it for a couple of days whilst you get your head around it" "i-i should be happy, I get to keep my baby" "sshh Scarlett, it's okay. Don't tell Ivy today" I nod my head.

Ivy's pov
Scarlett and Colin come back into the lounge, I can tell she's been crying because her cheeks are puffy and her eyes are red. "is everything okay mom?" Rose asks and the three of us look at them "everything's fine sweetheart" she sits next to me and smiles softly "was it dad? Am I going home?' she shakes her head and squeezes my hand "not yet". "Which ones of Scarletts films have you watched?" Melanie asks stopping me thinking about the conversation with Scarlett "um I watched avengers a couple of days ago but that's the only one. I wasn't allowed to watch any when I lived in New York" I say and pull my jumper over my hands to fiddle with them. Melanie goes into the kitchen to make sandwiches for lunch and Scarlett follows her "what sandwiches do you all want?" We put in our favourites and let the three adults make them.

We sit at the table to eat lunch and Scarlett obviously checks I'm okay which I am. "Have they taken you to the beach yet?" Melanie asks "she's only been here for a week mom" Scarlett tells her "and? The beach is the best place to be". I bite into my sandwich and listen to Scarlett and Melanie talk about what I need to see.

My Mom - Scarlett Johansson 🧸🐻Where stories live. Discover now