Part 2

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Ivy's Pov
I wake up to my stomach grumbling, I'm so hungry, I didn't eat much last night. I look at the time and it's 6:15, I have a quick stretch and then swing my legs over the side of my bed and slide my feet into the slippers that dad got me back in Jersey. I tiptoe over to the door and open it a little and stick my head out, all the lights are off so it's a dark. There's snoring coming for down the hall so it must be Colin because it's really loud. I close my door behind me and tiptoe down the stairs to the kitchen and start looking through the cupboards. Finally, I find some bread and butter and make some up for myself. I sit at the table where we sat last night and look outside, it's really foggy this morning and the morning due makes it a little more creepy than it should be. I take the first bite into my bread and my mouth waters, it's soo good.

I hear rustling coming from upstairs and look up hearing footsteps above me. Slowly they disappear as the person starts coming down the stairs so I freeze "good morning bubba, did you sleep well?" Scarletts sweet voice asks as she walks past me and goes straight to the fridge "you found some food then, that's good. I was going to make your and Rose some waffles for breakfast before she goes to school. Do you like waffles?" I look down and play with my pajama sleeves whilst my eyes look through my eyebrows at the dressinghown floating around "well you can still have waffles if you not full" I carry on eating my bread and put it in the sink next to her. "I love your bed hair Ivy, you really did sleep well hm" she takes some in her hands but I grab it and pull away from her and run back upstairs to my room.

Scarletts pov

I sit at the table with my head in my hands, why doesn't my baby like me? Well I have a good feeling why she doesn't like but she could say something. A single tear falls down my cheek and lands in my coffee just as two arms wrap around my neck "morning mom" Rose whispers making me cheer up a little "morning bubba. Do you want some waffles? There's mix in the fridge" she lets go of me and I watch her take it out the fridge "where's Ivy? I want to meet her" I smile softly and pick up my drink "upstairs in her room probably. She was down five minutes ago" Rose sighs and pours some batter into the waffle machine "can I take her a waffle?" I shrug and sit back in my seat "you can try".

Ivy's Pov
I lay in my bed after getting ready for the day when there's a nock on the door. "Ivy, it's Rose. I've made you a waffle, can I come in?" I open the door slowly and see her for the first time. She smiles softly and holds out the plate "strawberry's and Nutella" I take it and smile "I can show you around the neighborhood later but you'll have to tell mom you want me to otherwise she'll send me to school" I nod "okay cool, I'll be in my room when your done" I nod and eat a strawberry. Rose goes to her room and I close my door again, she's nice, I like her. I quickly eat the waffle and put the plate on the floor and walk down the landing to Roses room. I nock on the door and she answers "hey, do you want to tell mom?" I shake my head "I can then" I follow her down the stairs and to the kitchen "mom" Scarlett turns around and smiles widely seeing us "I'm not going to school today, I'm taking Ivy around the neighborhood" Scarlett raises her eyebrow "you are are you?" Rose nods "okay fine no school today but next week there definitely is Rose Dorothy Duriac so don't try and get out of it". I put my shoes on and wait for Rose to be ready "don't get lost. Love you both" Rose opens the door and the cold air hits my face "Ivy don't you need your coat bubba? It's cold" I shake my head "okay" I go out and Rose closes the door behind me.

I follow her down the street "what's Jersey like?" She asks and I shrug "are you going to talk whilst your staying with us?" She jokes. "Do you remember my dad?" I ask, the first thing I've said since being in LA "not really, only a little" "do you think he's going to die?" Tears fill my eyes "hey don't cry. I'm sure he's going to be fine" I shake my head an cry more. She pulls me into my hug and I cry onto her jumper "I'm sure he's going to fine" "what if he's not? What if I can't go back home?" Rose rubs my back. I calm down and we carry on with the walk "mom's friend lives in this house" she says and points up at a large house with metal grey face so you can't see the building "where does Scarletts family live?" "Grandma lives in New York. Has your dad never taken to you to see her?" I shake my head "no". We get to a park and Rose stops Infront of the road "do you want to have a walk in there?" I nod so we cross the road. "did your dad ever talk to you about me?" "No, he didn't talk about you or Scarlett but I didn't ask. If I did which was very rare he'd brush it off. Wait are we in the Bronson caves?" I ask seeing a cave in the tunnel "yeah. Do you want to go in?' I nod eagily and we both head over to it "do you have a dog?" Rose asks and I nod "I did before dad went into hospital and then we had to give him away, he's called Travis. Do you want a dog?' Rose nods "yeah but mom says I can't have one because I'm leaving next year and she can't look after it because of filming and going away".

Scarletts pov
The girls have been gone for around an hour and a half, I hope everything's okay. The front door opens and I quickly stand up like Colin "there you both are" I say looking down the hall seeing them both taking their shoes off "did you have a good time?" Colin asks and they both nod "we went to the Bronson caves!" Ivy cheers making me smile, that's the first thing she's said since being here "that's a long walk away. Did you like it?" She nods and looks up at Rose "I showed her aunt Lizzie's house and uncle Chris's. Did you know grandma hasn't seen Ivy even though she lives in New Jersey and grandma in New York?" I bite the inside of my lip and give a fake smile "no I didn't" even though I do "there's Mac and cheese for lunch, do you like it?" Ivy nods and walks over to me "I'm allergic to nothing" she whispers making me smile "that's good to know bubs. Go and wash your hands, who knows what you've been touching out there" Ivy walks past me and so does Rose. Colin kisses my cheek and rubs my back "invite your mom here so she can see the kids" I feel my heart in my stomach, what a sod for not letting a child see her grandmother "yeah".

Ivy's Pov
Rose takes the Mac and cheese out of the oven and puts it on the table "mom! Dad!" She shouts and they come in. I sit at the table and Scarlett surveys up "why didn't dad take me to New York?' I ask as Scarlett puts the plate down on the table "I don't know bubs, I'm sure he has his reasons" "thanks" I say and grate extra cheese over the top. Rose watches me and passes me the salad which I thank her for "so tonight we were thinking a movie night, does that sound okay?" Scarlett asks and I nod like Rose "what films do you like Ivy?" Colin asks "um scifi, action. Jurassic Park the 1993 one". Scarlett sits down from serving everyone up and smiles "good choice bubs" I look down at my food and pick some up with my fork "is dad going to get better?" I ask pushing the folk in my mouth, Scarlett looks and Colin and then at me and smiles "I'm sure he will. It might just take a bit of time" I nod and look up at her, she smiles softly and then plays with the food on her plate with her folk. I eat all my dinner and put the cutlery down so it's pointing at eleven "are you still hungry? There's alot more" I shake my head "no thanks" Colin nods and puts more on his plate. Rose pushes her chair out and grabs a folder from the mantle piece "this is a photo book that mom did when you were little and still saw us" she hands it to me and takes my plate away so there's room for it on the table. The front is a greeny colour, a bit like Ivy, and the title says "Ivy" as in me. I look up at Scarlett "I don't want to look" she looks at softly "are you sure?" I nod "why not?" I look down and push my chair out "because you left me" I go out the kitchen and run up the stairs to my room.

I lay on my bed and stuff my face into the pillow and scream. I know it sounds stupid but I don't want to see the baby photos of me that are probably with Rose and Scarlett because she left me. She chose not to be in my life. I cry myself to sleep, hoping I'll wake up back at home.

I wake up and look at my phone, it's only half eight. I roll out of bed and walk across the landing to the bathroom "Ivy" Rose says coming out her room but I lock the bathroom door and sit on the toilet. There's a nock on the door and then Roses voice "Ivy we're about to watch Jurassic Park if you want to come" "I'm going for a wee. I don't want to talk whilst I'm on the toilet" I tell her "dad's making hot chocolate and popcorn with a chocolate tray. Mom went out and got them specially". I flush and wash my hands before opening the door "you coming?" She smiles softly "I don't know. I want to go home and see my dad" "and you will but he'd want you to have a nice time before then. sooo?" I sigh and nod "fine". I follow Rose down the stairs and into the lounge where Scarlett and Colin are sitting "there they are. Ready to watch the film?" I nod and sit on the sofa next to Rose whilst Scarlett and Colin sit on a different one. Scarlett gets the film ready and Colin hands us all chocolates from the box "thank you" I take a boring diary milk be ause it's my fave. "Ready for it to start?" She asks and I nod, she smiles softly and I look at the TV. The film starts and I tuck my jumper over my legs to keep warm, Scarlett gets up from the sofa and picks up two blankets "here bubs" she lays it over me and does the same to Rose "thanks mom" she smiles "thank you" I whisper and go back to watching the film.

I look around and see Scarlett asleep leaning on Colin under a blanket and Rose watching tiktok videos on her phone. I watch the film whilst messaging my friend Paisley to see if she wants to meet up back in Jersey. 

Paisley 🌺

+ Hey, do you want to meet up again? I can fly to Jersey and meet you

Since the time difference is so great, she's sleeping because it's eleven and her parents don't let her be awake any time past ten unless it's for a special occasion.
I go back to watching the film for the rest of the evening until Scarlett wakes me up from my sleep and tells us we need to go to bed.

My Mom - Scarlett Johansson 🧸🐻Where stories live. Discover now