Chapter 3

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Ivy's pov
I wake up and go straight on my phone, there's nothing else to do so why not. Someone nocks on my door "Ivy you up honey?" Scarletts sweet voice asks "yeah" she opens the door and smiles "morning. Would you like some breakfast pancakes?" "Yes please" she smiles soft mooly "it will be ready in ten" the door closes behind her and I get out of bed. I brush my teeth and my hair and get ready for the day, the bedroom has underfloor heating so it's really cosy on my feet. I bump into Rose in the hall and we both go downstairs and to the kitchen, Scarletts cooking pancakes at the stove. "Hi" I say and she turns around with a spatula in her hand "morning, I thought you'd both still be in bed" I smile and walk around the counter to her "Can I try?" "Of course" she hands me the spatula whilst Rose lays the table in the other room. "Is this done?" I ask and she nods "flip it over" I flip it over so the otherside can cook. "Ivy have you watched any of mom's films before?" Rose asks "only a couple. I watched Our Zoo at home and rouch night at my friend's house" "oooo" rose says "that film isn't appropriate for you to watch" Scarlett says "it's a fifteen. When did you you watch it?' "like last year. We really enjoyed it though, especially the part with the wax" "it's too rude" I shrug my shoulders "its awful now I know who you are" Scarlett laughs and strokes the ends my hair "I'm sure Rose will show you some marvel films if you ask" "I've watched enough of those films mom. You watch them for the 1000th time". I put the pancake on a plate and start cooking a second "have you heard anything from the hospital?" Scarlett smiles softly and shakes her head "not yet but I'm sure we will soon" I wait for the pancake to cook and slide that onto the plate aswell.
I cook the rest of them and put them all on one big plate that Scarlett puts in the middle of the table.

"Ivy I was thinking, would you like to meet my mom? She can come here if you'd prefer, maybe cook one of your favourite meals. How does that sound?' I cut my pancake into four "um sure. Is she nice? Does she want to meet me?' "of course she does but you'll have to figure the first one out. Does Saturday sound okay?" I nod but then realise that's the day I'm meeting Paisley "actually I can't do Saturday but I can do Sunday" Scarlett smiles softly but confused "why can't you do Saturday?" "Ummmm I've got plans" I tell her and put a piece of pancake in my mouth. "What are your plans? You don't know anyone around here" "I don't but I'm going back home to see my friend. In Manhattan" Scarlett looks at Colin, and then Rose, and then me. "Ivy look, I know you miss Manhattan and your friends but there's no way your going back to Manhattan right now" I frown putting my cutlery down "why not? I know how to get to Paisleys from the airport, it only takes a couple of hours" "it might do but I don't feel comfortable you doing that. Right now your in Los Angeles and soon you'll go home back to your dad and you'll go back to school and see Paisley as much as you want" "I've already organised it though" "I'm sorry" I put my cutlery down and go back upstairs to my room even though I can hear Scarlett calling my name. I curl up on the bed and go back to sleep even though it's like eleven in the morning.

I wake up and look at my clock 12:43, it's only been an hour and a bit. I role over and see Scarlett standing in my doorway making me jump "oops sorry Ivy, I didn't mean to scare you" I look at her and then at the clock "you didnt'. Scarlett smiles and walks a bit further into the room "can we talk?" I think about it but shake my head "I want to be alone" she smiles softly but I can see the sadness in her eyes "of course. I'll be in my room if you need me" she goes to leave but turns back around about to say something but doesn't. She just smiles instead and closes the door on her way out. I close my eyes again and stare at the white wall.

I look up at the clock 2:51, shit I've been in bed for hours. I jump up and walk over to the curtains and open them, I can hear Scarletts voice but I'm not sure where it's coming from. "I know but she hates me" is what I hear her say, I notice the window is a tiny bit open so I look outside and see her pacing back and forth on the phone below my window "it's not that eas-" she stops mid sentence "she doesn't understand what happened, only if she the truth. Ivy's going to go back to Manhattan before I know it, I can't loose her again". I accidentally knock over the plant pot that's on the windowsill causing it to smash, Scarlett head turns and I quickly bend down to hide. The door opens quickly making me scared "Ivy what happened?" Rose asks bending down to help me clean up the ceremic "i-i I don't know. Please don't tell anyone" I pick the ceremic up from the floor and put it in my palm but it cuts from the pointy side. Luckily Rose doesn't notice so I get up and put in the tiny bin in the room and bring it back over to her "how did it fall?" I think "um I opened the curtains and I guess it caught" I help her tidy the rest of the ceremic away and put it in the bin. "What happened?" We both turn around seeing Scarlett in the doorway "it's my fault, I opened the curtain and I must have  got caught on the plant. I'm so sorry, I didn't me-" "it's fine sweetheart, don't worry about it" "I'll go get the vacuum" Rose runs away leaving me and Scarlett she picks up as much soil as possible without needing the vacuum and puts it in the bin "here" I hand her the plant and she puts it in the bin. "When rose comes back I'll vacuum the floor and then we can order a new plant and pot if you would like" i nod slowly and wipe my hands on my trousers forgetting my hands bleeding. I look down in realisation and see the massive streek of blood on my trousers "Ivy, what happened?" Scarlett asks in a soft tone "i-i" she takes my hand on hers but I pull it back "honey I need to make sure it's okay, it's my job" I shake my head and stand up "what if Rose does it?" I shake my head "okay, what if you clean it and I tell you what to do?" I shake my head and go across the hall into the bathroom. I hold my hand under the tap and watch as the blood runs into the sink "how did it happen?' Rose asks "It was an accident" I mumble still watching it "you know, mom's really good at making things better. She's had alot of experience from doing stunts and I was a very clumsy kid" I look at her throw the mirror "okay". Rose goes and Scarlett takes her place "is it still bleeding?' I nod and move to the side so she can see "not as bad as before which is good. Keep holding it under there whilst I get the medical bag" I watch as she gets the first aid kit out of the cupboard and takes the things out she needs. Scarlett takes my hand and pats it dry ready to add the cream "it's going to hurt a little" she squeezes some on and it stings, I'm not going to lie. "good job, now a plaster" she sticks it on my palm and chicks the wrapper away "all done" she smiles and closes the box back up. I watch as she puts the box away " I um I heard you talking outside and I don't hate you. I just miss my dad and I want to go home" she smiles softly with tears in her eyes "you don't?" I shake my head "I'm a long way from home" I cry and feel my lip wobble. "Oh honey" she pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on her shoulder "I love you so much, so so much. Please can you make me a promise?" "What?" I whisper and wipe my eyes "promise you'll always talk to me if there's anything on your mind your not sure about. I know we don't know eachother but the more we talk the better well understand eachother okay? Promise?" I nod into her shoulder and wipe my eyes. I pull away "would you like some lunch? Katherine told me you like smoked salmon" I smile widely and nod "come on then. Check with Rose if she'd like some too" I nod and go to Rose's room. Her doors open so I don't need to knock "hey" she smiles doing her makeup "hi, would you like some smoked salmon?' "yes please. Is mom making smoked salmon scrambled eggs or bagels?' "it's Ivy's choice!" She shouts making us both laugh "bagels then" "definitely, I'll have some".

I follow Scarlett down the stairs and help her get lunch ready "Colin!" She shouts but after a couple of minutes her doesn't show "where is he?" I ask "probably in his office. Do you think you could get him?' I nod and walk around the house until I find Colin's office. I nock on the door and then open it "lunch is ready" "thanks kiddo, I'll be there in a second" "okay" I go back to the kitchen and Scarlett hands me a plate with a bagel "that's yours and this is Roses, I'll be through in a second'.

I laugh "it did not happen like that!" Scarlett shouts "yes it did! Don't lie" rose shouts back, Colin and I sit a bit confused "it didn't happen like that. I said 'oh no it's burning' and then you picked it up and threw it on the ceiling" Rose shakes her head "no mom stop lying. You did say it was burning but then YOU threw the pancake too high and it got stuck on the ceiling"

 You did say it was burning but then YOU threw the pancake too high and it got stuck on the ceiling"

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I look at Scarlett and smile "whatever, you think you, I'll think me' Rose shakes her head. Colin chuckles and smiles "I think Roses way sounds more reasonable babe" she chuckles "stop ganging up on me, both of you". Colin plays the film that Rose chose and it's Avengers, Scarlett wasn't keen about it but she has to watch it because I told her to. The begging starts and she runs her hands through my hair "how have you never watched it?" She whispers "dad never let me". The film starts so I lean on her shoulder and Scarlett puts a blanket over me holding me close. Rose leans on me and Scarlett plays with my hair "that's mom. The red head" I stay silent and watch the film.

The film stops and I look up at Scarlett a little to see if she's awake and she's not like Rose. I carefully slide out between them and turn the TV off before going upstairs to my room. I change into my pajamas and brush my teeth in the bathroom "aagh!" I jump seeing Scarlett in the dark corridor looking almost like a zombie because she so tired. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you going to bed?" I nod and walk across the landing into the bedroom. I lay in bed and Scarlett smiles turning off the light "are you okay? You seem a bit sad" she asks sitting next to me "yeah I'm fine" "don't lie to me Ivy. You promised" "I just miss dad and New York and my friends" she smiles softly "I know but you'll go back soon and then I'll miss you" "why don't you ask dad if you can come and visit once he's better?" "I could your right. Go to sleep now, I'll wake you up with a bacon roll tomorrow morning" "okay!" She tucks me in and kisses my head "I love you. See you in the morning" "see you in the morning".

My Mom - Scarlett Johansson 🧸🐻Where stories live. Discover now