XII | The First Bars

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Quid est, Catulle? quid moraris emori?
Sella in curuli struma Nonius sedet,
Per consulatum peierat Vatinius:
Quid est, Catulle? quid moraris emori?

Philza throws a feast you did not expect from a man who's all alone. Of course, it's tradition to open your arms to any strangers walking onto your island. Not even a tradition, but an unspoken rule. While the company eats and drinks as if there's no tomorrow, just as they've been doing the other evenings, you remain silent, watching them all interact. The wine is getting to their head again, with Fundy this time fully participating, encouraged by his grandfather, who tries to get him to get his mind off of something you're unaware of. Tubbo is sitting right next to you this time, since Niki insisted you'd sit by him and Tommy this time, instead of next to Techno and Schlatt, which is not something you protested against. Now, you listen, as their conversations swing from one subject to the other.

This time, you don't focus on what they're saying. No, you're this time trying to see what their eyes and faces have to tell you: everyone whom will annoy you some time during this journey is sitting here right now, while the previous king of Mycenae is watching with a bright smile on his face. But despite the certainty that he tries showing towards the guests, you easily see the same dark glint in his expressions, hidden by a laugh and forgotten due to his words.

Your attention drifts off to Schlatt, constantly picking a fight with Quackity, who, no matter what comebacks he comes up with, always meets a dead end in his words one way or another. He curses, he shouts, he throws his food in the most aggressive manners, all while disrespecting the man that gave him this food. Of course, it's not like you've ever enjoyed the King's presence, but with every new action, you look down upon him more, seeing nothing but a child, pretending to be a god.

On the other hand, there are strangers there, all seeming to have their own problems, their own conflicts. Their own reason to desire a wish. While they may promise to work together to find the best option to request of what you're now looking for, you can only see a few people here being altruistic enough not to indulge in their own darkest desires.

You know without a doubt that Tommy has nothing to ask for. When looking at the boy, everyone can tell that he has no interest in fulfilling any want other than his need for adventure. If anything, all he needs is an excuse, which this enterprise has promised him. Thusly, you doubt Tubbo would have much interest in the Egg, considering the two young princes seem to have two intertwined souls, needing nothing other than each other's company. Like siblings, you notice them talking and giggling at the dining table, with Tommy's face lighting up whenever Philza asks him a question, like the moon brightening at the mere look of the sun. And while at first you don't see Tubbo doing so, you can't help but see how more the boy longs for the fatherly affection the man who was once king shows him, while the colour drains from his face the moment Schlatt calls his name.

It's a sad sight, but one you've gotten used to. One that everyone's gotten used to. And although you desire to do more to keep him safe, there's only so much you're able to do for him, especially considering a warrior standing up to a king like him is not seen as something acceptable necessarily. If you had not had your mother's intimidation, you probably would've been exiled a long time ago by now for what you have said and done.

"Why don't you enjoy a bit more, Musa?" Niki's voice then distracts you, and you look to the woman sitting across from you, with Sam sitting to her left and Wilbur to her right, so he could sit closer to his father, who sits at the head. Tommy, after all, had insisted to sit on his other hand, despite that seat having been preserved for Technoblade, who ended up sacrificing it to the young prince with little protest. "You look so stressed."

Sam, having drunk but remaining mostly silent, only speaking rationally whenever it's asked of him, shoots you and the priestess a glance, while Wilbur shouts something at Sapnap, on the other side of the table. You don't focus on what they're saying, but judging by their loud voices, it's just some joke, or a part of their discussion. And well, as you look around, you realize that Niki will be the only woman to accompany you on this trip, excluding any gods watching you from a distance, giving you not necessarily a diverse group of warriors.

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