V | Third evening of the Festival

389 18 22

Iucundum, mea vita, mihi proponis amorem
hunc nostrum inter nos perpetuumque fore.
Di magni, facite ut vere promittere possit,
atque id sincere decat et ex animo,
ut liceat nobis tota perducere vita
aeternum hoc sanctae foedus amicitiae.

A/N: A few words in the dialogue are written incorrectly on purpose.

Aimsey seems like a sweet child. They're around Tubbo's age, tell tales as well-put together as the truth and simply have a familiar mischievous smile on their face, reminding you of yourself. Each guest first watched in amusement as the aoide performed, the words enchanting as though they were truly magical, even if the story is one everybody has heard before. According to Tommy, Aimsey's best at retelling the story of the Fall of Troje, and you have to admit that they weren't as bad as the other performers you've seen this far.

It's odd hearing the same story over and over again with different details each time, though. Some stories have emphasized the true terrors of war, while others have repeated the romanticization of violence and godly beings. Though, at least the story allows you to now have a new subject to talk about: the story of Troje and everything included.

With no warning, the arguing started. Schlatt seems to be more comfortable to absolutely drink himself to death, causing in slurred words and disorientation, while you hold back on everything, including food. As if Dionysos is there right with you, however, you watch as pretty much everyone either goes to the stars or stares right into the eyes of Medusa. The youngest ones are the only ones to truly restrain themselves, looking uncomfortably as the different leaders soon enough allow their mask to fall.

Schlatt quickly becomes extremely touchy. He'll throw his arm over Tubbo's shoulder from time to time, touch the faces of the slaves – he can't reach the others, except those who sit next to him, after all, since he's too far gone to stand up and not fall on the ground – as though he's about to make out with them, and he attempts to touch yours as well, but a few glares are enough to scare him off, or at least cause him to not pass any boundaries.

Sapnap speaks with much more aggression. Each word he spits out is accompanied by a curse word or two, along with frantic movements seeming to mimic attempts at physical attack. Other than that, he looks furious all of the time, even lashing out at his partner.

Speaking of whom, Karl does not look alright. He has gone pale and completely silent, having vomited a few times already. He has been groaning, complaining about a headache, and that smile that you believed would never leave his face, is nowhere to be found. The words he attempts to say barely come out of his mouth. He's paranoid, too. Constantly stating that they're being watched and judged by the gods, resulting in fearful mumbling and praying and crying.

Meanwhile, Quackity has taken it upon himself to ridicule his ex because of this. Though, you're unsure whether or not that's what he's doing. After all, the king has started laughing at literally everything, only a few times saying something coherent. Once or twice, these words will not only be coherent, but also actually smart, while most of the time you're convinced he's living in another world.

Wilbur seems to be the most sober of all of them, despite having drunk the most. He can still kind of keep his balance and talks just fine, but there's still a clear indication of his drunk insanity. Some of his statements are so out of the bag they can only be conceived in an influenced mind, as he even ends up saying some more secretive things that you feel he shouldn't say in company of other leaders, but you find it too unimportant to pay too much mind to it anyway.

Niki at first joined you at the table as well, but as soon as she got even slightly tipsy, her enthusiastic passion for something she never explicitly said distracted her, leading her outside, away from you. And perhaps it's for the best, since even Techno can't withstand Bacchus' seduction. And well, drunk Techno is the exact opposite as his sober alter ego. A lot of expressions, constant happy laughter and a lot more open about himself. Instead of immediate judgment, he gives out more chances, though his political and philosophical opinions don't seem to have changed in any way.

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