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Sabertooth had gathered in the basement of the Tiger's Maw once again, sitting around the table.

"Rogue has returned from his mission and will now inform you about it." Sting announced to the gathered members.

"As you know, Yukino and I left two months ago for a mission. Yukino is still in Cereus holding down the fort. Now you may wonder: What mission could possibly require Rogue, Wisp and Yukino at once? Isn't that excessive?"

"No one in the history of Sabertooth has ever wondered that." Dobengal commented. Orga snickered.

"Well I'll tell you." Rogue continued, unbothered. Sting had already received a rough summary, but he wanted Rogue to tell the guild, though his theatrics made him question the decision. Fortunately, Rogue seemed to realize that, as he toned it down. "We're robbing the Bank of Edolas."

He paused to gauge their reactions. Orga seemed exstatic. Dobengal was visibly perturbed. Minerva looked like she was on her last nerve. Rufus appeared curious.

"Yukino has infitrated their ranks and I have looked around the vaults. Look at this map." Rogue place a map at the center of the table. It was heavily annotated. " These two are going to be practically impossible to get into. They belong to the Vellin family and the royal family. This one we might be able to reach through the caves, but not without alerting the guards. But that one? That one could be accessed, it'll be one hell of climb, but it can be done. We would just need someone to climb some 200 meters up a steep wall using metal spikes who will pick the lock at the top, then climb back down with the treasure."

Minerva and Dobengal didn't seem impressed. Sting was second guessing himself for a different reason.

"Aren't you the only one who can pick locks?" Sting asked Rogue, who shrugged.

"We do have a second option, but I don't think it can be done." Rogue admitted. Sting could tell Rogue didn't want to tell them.

"Why don't you tell us and we'll decide?" Minerva asked.

"While looking at the blueprints, I noticed that the adamantine reinforcements around the royal vault was only two meters high. We'd still have to dig through solid rock, but I think it can be done in one night if we all pitch in. However, there's no way to conceal what we've done. They'll know we broke in." Sting didn't miss the nervous looks Rogue was throwing his way.

"Why not do both?" Orga suggested to Sting's surprise.


Rogue felt like he'd been hit with a sledgehammer. He was certain his jaw had dropped to the floor as he heard Orga's statement. He had been certain Sting would prefer the second plan, which was why he would have preferred not to suggest it. But this heist was important to Sting and he didn't think he would allow Rogue to enact the first one. He'd been relying on his other guildmates to make counterpoints. Orga wasn't supposed to agree to the second plan, let alone suggest they perform both.

"What?" Sting asked.

"Are you an idiot?" Minerva asked. The answer was obvious.

"Let's hear him out." Rufus insisted.

"We break into the first vault and empty it over the course of a few nights. Then we break into the second one and leave with everything we can carry. Hopefully they'll be too busy excavating the vault to look for us." Orga explained. Rufus looked convinced.

"Who's we, when it comes to the first vault?" Minerva asked cautiously.

"Rogue, obviously. And I'll be there too, since our dear guildmaster will never let his darling go alone." Orga said jokingly. Rogue made direct eye-contact with Orga and sat on Stings lap before giving in.

"It sounds like a decent plan. If we fall, you can soften my landing."

"What about the second vault?" Dobengal asked skeptically.

"I don't think we should push our luck on that." Rogue cut in before Orga could answer.

"I don't see why not." Rufus retorted. "I say go big or go home!"

Rogue shifted to look at Sting pleadingly, but his eyes shone so brightly that Rogue didn't want to burst the bubble. Minerva and Dobengal, who weren't yet caught up in delusions of grandeur, continued to argue against breaking into the second vault until Sting gave in and said they would decide once they'd emptied the first.

"We'll need climbing equipment, and it will have to be of high quality. I think we'll need custom-made equipment to suit our needs." Orga stated.

"And how will we get that?" Minerva asked. "We can't risk arousing suspicion."

"I have a contact that could probably get it done, but her help doesn't come cheap. She'll want our help in return, so I'll need Rogue to come with me." Rogue nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Where will you be going?" Sting asked.

"Back to Cereus. Ben? Mind if we borrow your wagon?" Dobengal agreed to Orga's request.

They left the next day, Sting and Rogue keeping their goodbyes short because Orga was a nightmare.

Once again, Rogue found himself going to Cereus, driving a wagon with Wisp on his shoulder. He smiled. He could get used to this.

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