three. employment

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{three. employment}

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Natasha hasn't slept a wink. She lays awake all night, stirring and staring at the ceiling.

I wonder what's happened since I've left? She keeps thinking of all the possibilities. Could Bruce and Tony be here now? Did they figure it out? Is Steve outside running? How's Clint? Do the other Avengers know I'm gone?

Sooner than later, it's seven o' clock in the morning and she's getting ready for the day.

Natasha puts on a very professional looking blue dress with her black heels from yesterday. Peggy offers her some makeup and Natasha does a very natural look on herself.

The two of them eat breakfast and at around eight, make their way outside and call a cab.

"Are you excited for your first day of work?" Peggy pats her knees, sitting on the driver's side of the cab.

"I am! I hope they hire me." Natasha looks down. Sincerely hoping that they take her for a position.

She doesn't care what job she gets, she could be a janitor for all she cared. Natasha just wants a stable job since she doesn't know how long she'll be staying here.

"They'll love you!" Peggy encourages her. "You're everything they're looking for."

Natasha nods and looks out the window. Crowds of people are heading off to work for the day. Men in their suits, and women wearing beautiful dresses.

After about thirty minutes, the duo arrives at the SSR.

"Chin up Natalie. You've got this."

Peggy holds the door open for her and she walks into a front office of sorts. She can see men waiting on the left side of the room, with what look like resumes. Then there's a line of women to the right patiently waiting to be interviewed.

The room is very naturally lit by the windows in the front and it's decorated very calmly. The walls are beige in color and there's accolades hanging on them. Behind the dark wooded front desk, there's a giant SSR mural painted on the wall.

"Good morning Emma!" Peggy announces as she enters through the front door, behind Natasha. "I see we've got some new contenders for the army?"

She nods to the line of men. They all just look her up and down. She was right, they're all disgusting.

"Indeed!" Emma, the brunette responds from behind the welcome desk smiling. "One of the biggest crowds yet!"

"I'm sure it will be bigger tomorrow, after the expo tonight!" Peggy rests her hands on the desk infront of them.

Natasha just stands a bit behind her, hands clasped infront of her body taking in the environment. There's already a lot going on here and it's only nine in the morning.

"Anything I can do for you today Peggy?"

Emma's busy multitasking. She looks down at a binder making sure a man to her right's ID matches one on a list.

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