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Her hands clapped slowly, a cruel smile twisting her lips. "Well, well, well, look who finally sees the light! So, our dear Sophie waltzed off to save her precious Lucas, leaving you high and dry in this delightful little forest, huh?"

My eyes fell, words catching in my throat. "She did choose him," I finally managed, voice laced with pain.

Scoffing, Grace dismissed it. "Choose him? More like used him as an escape ticket! Let's face it, Joyce, your friendship was always on borrowed time. A boy with a pretty face comes along, and poof! Loyalty goes out the window."

Anger flickered, battling the doubts gnawing at me. "That's not fair," I protested, flinching at her words. "We were friends..."

Interrupting with mock sympathy, she dripped poison. "Oh, were you? Friends share secrets, remember? And I bet she kept plenty hidden, didn't she? Used you, manipulated you, all while stringing you along with those empty promises of 'forever friends.'"

Silence descended, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

"But hey, who needs fake friends when you can have freedom, right?" Her voice softened, a sly glint in her eyes. "Just a little help from you, a slight detour for our dear Sophie, and voila! This suffocating forest becomes a distant memory."

Temptation warred with unease. "What exactly do you want me to do?" I asked, my voice hesitant.

"Just a little nudge in the right direction," she purred. "Slow her down, make her question her little heroic act. After all, wouldn't it be a shame if her precious Lucas ended up suffering because of her misplaced loyalty?"

"But Lucas..." I began, a tremor in my voice.

Cutting me off, her voice hardened. "He's just a pawn, Joyce. A means to an end. Don't tell me you still believe in the naïve fantasy of true love conquering all? This is about survival, sweetheart. Yours."

The weight of the decision pressed down on me, Grace's words twisting the knife in my gut. I struggled, but the seeds of doubt and fear had taken root.

She extended her hand, her smile widening. "So, what do you say, Joyce? Choose yourself. Choose freedom. Choose a chance to walk away from this mess, leaving Sophie to face the consequences of her choices."

Meeting her gaze, I knew I'd regret it, but the damage was done. "Alright... deal," I whispered, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

The forest air hung heavy with humidity, clinging to my skin like a damp shroud. Each rustle of leaves, each snap of a twig, echoed the turmoil within me. Had I just betrayed Sophie? Grace's words buzzed like hungry flies in my head, her mocking tone twisting like poison in my gut. Freedom. Escape. Tempting words, wrapped in deceit. Could I trust her? Every fiber of my being screamed no, yet the image of myself, back in the world bathed in sunlight, was too alluring to resist. Was I truly so weak, so willing to sacrifice our friendship for a mere chance at escape? Shame coiled around my heart, squeezing the air from my lungs. I closed my eyes, trying to recall Sophie's face, her laughter, the warmth of her hand in mine. But the memory flickered, distorted by Grace's venomous whispers. Was that doubt Grace planted, or a seed of truth already festering within me? I didn't know. All I knew was the gnawing guilt, the sickening taste of betrayal clinging to my throat. As I waited, a prisoner not just of the forest, but of my own conflicted heart, I prayed that whatever game Grace was playing, it wouldn't cost Sophie her life - or our friendship.

While waiting, memories of Sophie and me flooded back: picnics under sun-dappled trees, whispered secrets under starry skies, laughter echoing through sun-kissed meadows. Each one a shard of joy, now tainted by the bitter memory of Sophie's words.

The Girl Who Ran, The Forest That WaitsWhere stories live. Discover now