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"Finally, a truth"


Silence devoured the air, thick and suffocating. I waited for Joyce's response, but her face remained a mask of confusion and unease. Finally, she broke the suffocating silence. "I... I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't left this forest since you ran and left me here."

My blood ran cold. "What? But that was five days ago!" I exclaimed. "What do you mean?"

Confusion twisted my gut. Time seemed to flow differently here, a warped reality compared to the world beyond. "Soph," Joyce's voice softened, a plea for understanding in her eyes, "I never meant for this to happen. I didn't expect any of this."

"I wanted to warn you," she continued, her voice choked with emotion. "But hours passed since you left. I've been searching for a way out, only to discover it's been five days according to you."

"Five days and for you, it's only been hours?"

"I suppose so," she muttered, her gaze flitting around the darkening woods.

The moment of confrontation, the sliver of truth, was shattered by the lengthening shadows of the tree creature. It loomed over us, a twisted silhouette against the darkening sky. From another corner, the tree-man himself emerged, his grotesqueness sending shivers down my spine.

"Come," Joyce said urgently, her voice a lifeline in the rising tide of fear. "After hours of running, I found a place we can hide, temporarily."

Together, we sprinted through the dense undergrowth, the creature's lumbering footsteps echoing behind us. Despite the terror, a flicker of relief warmed my chest. The real Joyce, the friend I knew, was here, safe and sound.

My trusty watch, a beacon of normalcy in this twisted reality, confirmed my suspicions. Five days had passed outside the forest walls.

"I can't see anything!" I cried out as the shadows deepened, swallowing the path ahead. "Where are we going?"

"Just a little further," Joyce's voice strained, "We're almost there... ah, there it is!"

A small cabin, nestled amidst the ominous trees, offered a glimmer of hope. But as we neared, a stray branch snagged my foot, sending a searing pain through my ankle.

"Ah!" I cried out.

Joyce was at my side in an instant, her concern etched on her face. "Are you okay? Let me see."

"Just a scratch," I mumbled, trying to downplay the throbbing pain.

"It's bleeding," Joyce's voice held a hint of panic. "Come on, let me help you."

She helped me up, her touch grounding me in this surreal world. We reached the cabin's rickety steps, and Joyce disappeared inside.

Moments later, she returned with a clean cloth and a curious-looking branch. "What are you going to do with that?" I asked, my gaze drawn to the pungent horseradish.

"This?" she chuckled, her eyes twinkling. "It's for your wound."

I scoffed. "Horseradish? You're joking, right?"

"No, not at all," she explained. "The juice is a natural antiseptic. It helps prevent infection."

"So, you're going to heal me with horseradish? What am I, a wounded spider?" I teased, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

Joyce grinned, her playful jab mirroring mine. "Hey, OA, when did you become so picky? This is the only resource we have. Unless you want your wound to get infected, of course."

As she carefully applied the horseradish, I winced. "Ow, easy there! You have somewhere to be, don't you?"

"I do," she said, her voice hardening for a moment, "outside this hellish forest."

"Whoa, serious Joyce alert!" I teased, trying to break the tension. "Or are you just mad at me for leaving you?"

"I have every right to be angry, alright?" she retorted, her voice laced with sarcasm. "You freaking abandoned me!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry for choosing survival over playing hide-and-seek with a tree monster," I countered, my own sarcasm dripping with mock guilt.

Our playful banter, fueled by the absurdity of the situation, turned into a fit of giggles that echoed through the gloom. Despite the fear gnawing at my edges, Joyce's kindness, her willingness to heal me even after my impulsive escape, warmed my heart.

"Thank you," I whispered,

Joyce's eyes softened. "Don't be silly, Soph. We're in this together." She said while pulling me tight in her arms. "Ah yes, science can't explain everything, can it?" she teased, the shared joke bridging the gap between their disjointed experiences ago. Now, let's get settled in this cabin and figure out a way to get out of this mess."

We huddled inside, the wooden walls offering a fragile sense of security. While Joyce explored the cramped space, I examined my leg. The horseradish stung, but it seemed to be doing its job. Through the small window, I caught glimpses of the looming shadows, reminders of the danger that lurked just beyond.

"Have you ever set foot in this place before, Joyce?" I questioned, my voice hushed as if the walls themselves could eavesdrop.

Joyce shook her head, her eyes flitting across the shadows that danced within the abandoned cabin. "No, Sophia. Fear kept me tethered outside. But something about it... calls to me. Whispers secrets that might unravel this twisted game."

A shiver ran down my spine. Her words echoed the gnawing curiosity tugging at my own gut. "Then let's not turn deaf ears to its whispers," I replied, my voice firm with newfound resolve. "Together, we'll pry open its secrets and see what truths lie hidden within."

The familiar crumbles, leaving behind a world of twisted shadows and whispered truths. Fear claws at my heart, a desperate plea for the comfort of the known. But in the smoldering ashes of certainty, a new ember flicker. This forest, this warped reality, it is not a curse, but a crucible. It tests us, strips us bare, and forces us to confront the shadows we hide within. The girl who stumbled into this nightmare, she is gone. In her place stands a woman forged in fear and forged in friendship. The path ahead is shrouded in darkness, but it is no longer a path I walk alone. With Joyce by my side, with the fire of defiance as our guide, I embrace the unknown. Let the shadows dance, let the secrets reveal themselves. We are no longer victims, but explorers, venturing into the uncharted landscape of our own resilience. This is not the end; it is the beginning. The forest may hold us captive, but it cannot contain the spirit that burns within. We are the daughters of chaos, the weavers of resilience, and this, this is where we rewrite our story. The full moon washes over the land, bathing the twisted trees in an eerie silver light. And in that light, I see not fear, but the glint of steel in our eyes, the unyielding promise of a dawn we will create together. We are the storm, and the forest trembles before us.

The Girl Who Ran, The Forest That WaitsWhere stories live. Discover now