Chapter Six: The tragedy

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As the sun ascended, casting golden hues across the landscape, Mr. Ikran's expression remained inscrutable. The distant hum of traffic and the melodious chirping of birds formed a harmonious backdrop to his introspection. The balcony, adorned with exquisite marble, overlooked manicured gardens and a shimmering pool. Yet, amidst the luxury, Ikran's mind deeply pondered about the contentment he brought in the life of the striving brothers, which navigated his mind to the tragic incident, that changed him into this benevolent philanthropist. 


In the bustling city of Mumbai Mr. Ikran and his brother Mr. Akran deeply entrenched in the world of organized crime. As it was time to execute their grand mission that could elevate their status within the underworld. Mr. Ikran assembled his trusted gang members, including Akran, and laid out the intricate details of the operation. 

"So Akran, as it is our grand mission, and you have always been the one who is more agile, and the go-to man for executing plans on the ground. And as you are always eager to prove yourself, I have decided to keep you in charge of leading the team during this grand mission!" He said to his brother with a glad smile.

"Sure brother as promised I will support you through out the journey, and bring success in each and every mission you embark me on" Akran affirmed. 

"I feel proud of myself to have a brother like you Akran! as I strongly believe that our bond is unbreakable, and our loyalty to each other is unwavering." Ikran said proudly. Both brothers embraced each other in great hope. 

As Mr. Akran embarked on the grand mission with his gang, Mr. Ikran smiled proudly watching his brother stepping forward with the poised confidence of a mob leader.

After few hours....

Mr. Ikran called his brother, to check out how his operation is going?, "Akran! How is our operations going?" he murmured over the phone.

"Mission accomplished!!!" Mr. Akran murmured back.

The mission was a success, thanks to Mr. Akran's impeccable leadership and the seamless coordination within the gang. Their reputation soared, and Mr. Ikran couldn't have been much  prouder of his younger brother than this day . 

Mr. Ikran called his members and told, "Our grand mission has been accomplished, throw out a big bash, Let's celebrate our success!" he exclaimed, with a devious laughter. 

Lavish decorations adorned the venue, from intricate floral arrangements to gilded statues. The space exuded an air of regality, reflecting the elevated status achieved through the triumphant mission. 

The celebration unfolded with a sense of timelessness, as if the outside world ceased to exist. The grandeur of the celebration was enhanced by the presence of high-profile guests, influential figures from the criminal underworld who had come to pay their respects to the triumphant host. The room became a melting pot of power and influence.

However, fate had a cruel twist in store. In the aftermath of their victory, tragedy struck. Mr. Ikran while celebrating their success, received a urgent phone call, "Sir! Mr. Akran is dead!" the man said in agony. 

"What?" he asked in dismay.

"Yes sir! while we were returning after accomplishing our grand mission, we met with a tragic accident, due to which your brother lost his life!" the man replied in agony.

"This can't be happening!" he said with disbelief.

"We are at the Akliva hospital Sir!" the man said in agony, and he hang up the phone.

Mr. Ikran rushed to the hospital in great distress, as he arrived there he couldn't believe his eyes, "AK RAAN" he cried, and held tightly onto his dead brother.

"I am a fool Akran! I am a fool! my mafia life has covered my path and made me lead my kin into danger! and at last it made me lose the only hope and strength I had in my life!" he sobbed in remorse.

"I am a fool Akran! I am a fool! my mafia life has covered my path and made me lead my kin into danger! and at last it made me lose the only hope and strength I had in my life!" he sobbed in remorse

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A week after the demise of his beloved brother, he told his teammates to organize an official meeting. And he strictly told that each and every members of his gang must attend it. 

A hush fell over the room as the boss Mr. Ikran entered, signaling the commencement of a meeting where strategic decisions would shape the future trajectory of the organization. 

Mr. Ikran started speaking, " I know the demise of my beloved brother has raised a great grief and frustration within our team. And it has also taught us including me a great life lesson. So In honor of Mr. Akran's memory, I have decided to turn this crime organization, which brings grief and distress in people's life  into an organization which brings happiness and delight in people's life." he paused and gave a glance over his team members.

Then he continued, "So, I have planned to channel our energy into positive endeavors. The wealth amassed from our past life, would be used to transform  peoples lives . And to run a great beneficial organization like this  we strongly need your support.  And I strongly affirm that this is a non profit  organization , and I also don't do this to gain people's praise or to boast myself." he affirmed and gave a pause.

 Then he continued, "And I also strongly affirm that our team members would be treated with dignity, and if I have done any wrong to any of my members, I am ready to make amends for it" he finished his speech and the meeeting was dismissed, everyone there were so glad of this decision. And were excited to see the upcoming accomplishments of this organisation. 

Mr. Ikran's phone rings, and he comes back to reality, "Sir! We have built our new orphanage at Madras, and we cordially invite you for the inauguration tomorrow" the man told on phone.

"I am glad of it, Sure I'll come tomorrow " Mr. Ikran responded.

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