Imagine 27: Fruit Bats🦇 (Lost Boys)

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Pairing: Eddie (oc) x Lost Boys

Summary: *Eddie has a little fruit orchard, and so the Lost Boys shape into bats to go and take some little nibbles on Eddie's fruit.*

Requested by Tired4rtist

*David's POV*

Another boring night at the cave. Again.

Dwayne sits cross legged on the floor, his back against the broken fountain in the middle of the cave. Marko and Paul are dangling off the cave ceiling, poking each other to see who will fall first.

I roll my eyes, taking one last inhale of my cancer stick before flicking it and exhaling. Our friend Eddie was supposed to visit us today. He's probably busy at his orchard again.

In all my years I've never met anyone who's so obsessed with fruit, but hey, he's good at taking care of fruit, plus since we're friends with him, we get free food.

Speaking of which...

I rise to my feet. "How about we go visit Eddie's orchard, grab a bite or two?"

Marko and Paul perk up. "Didn't Eddie say no, and that we have to wait a couple of weeks because the fruit isn't ready yet?"

I grab my coat. "Yeah, so?"

Dwayne rolls his eyes a little playfully. He knows that whenever I set my mind to something, I'm gonna do it no matter what.

Marko and Paul come down and stand up straight, following Dwayne and me out of the cave. Eddie's gotta have some ripe fruit. And we're gonna find out soon enough, I guess.

When we reach outside, with a jump and flip in the air, we all shape shift into our bat forms and fly high into the night sky, heading for the outskirts of Santa Carla in search for Eddie's orchard.


After about ten minutes of flying, we finally see the large orchard filled with GORGEOUS apples and pears and cherries.

We fly down, Marko and Paul going to a cherry tree, Dwayne going to a row of grape vines, and I going for the apples.

I fly around a plump, red, apple that's just begging me to bite it, which I do. I sink my teeth in its sweet/sour tanginess, the juice running down my lips to my neck.

Sweet sweet necture, you are mine.

Over my shoulder, I hear Marko and Paul making loud bat noises while arguing over who gets a certain cherry. I roll my eyes, before suddenly, I hear the shouts and yells of a voice that belongs to the tall, thin, Eddie.

"Hey! Damn it bats!" he grabs a boom suddenly, and begins to try and hit us, but we dodge it. Eddie doesn't know that we're the guys, and not an average bat.

Instantly, I fly left to avoid getting hit by the broom, before I shapeshift back into my human form along with my brothers, which makes Eddie's eyes widen.

"DAVID?! What the fu-" his eyes scan the damage we did to his fruits, and his eyes widen. "WHAAAAAAT?!"


I laugh nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "I-I thought your offer for free fruit still stood?"\

"David..." Eddie says slowly, turning towards us, the look of pure anger and rage in his eyes. "I swear to god..."

Time to scram!

I shapeshift back into my bat form along with the others, and we fly out of there while Eddie shouts behind us various insults. But even through it all, Marko and Paul are dying of laughter.

Probably a good idea to give our friend Eddie a few days space, or else he'll really explode. But give it four days, and he'll be over it and have forgiven us.

I hope at least.

We fly back to our cave and get back into our human forms.

Still none the less, that was pretty fun, and as always, his fruit is the best tasting in all of Santa Carla. Though it's safe to say that we do cause him some trouble from time to time, but hey, he still likes us. We're all brothers practically.

But I don't think we'll be getting free fruit anytime soon.

Thanks for reading!

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