Chapter 6: Brendon Urie's dick

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We weren't naked at first. No, first we had on this underwear that looked like nothing more than a speedo. When I saw Brendon in his i let out an audible groan. He had an amazing body. His stomach was flat but toned, not enough to give him a six pack but enough to make the v at his hipbones much more defined. Through the underwear his dick looked big. I couldn't help but look. The bulge was maybe hiding something that could grow into a nice 7-incher, and that was fucking satisfying because I knew I was at least an inch bigger than him.

He was looking my body over too, so I made a point as to push my hips out slightly and let him have a good look of whatever he was trying to see. I run my fingers on my stomach, just above the line of the elastic band of underwear. His eyes followed my fingers and I smirked gently. I knew it turned him on. I was the only guy who has ever said no to him, and now I was practically naked in front of him. I probably looked like a wet dream to him.

I smirk and step closer to him, closing the space between us in the studio. I bring my hand to his chest and let my fingers slowly slide down his chest and stomach. I bite my lip gently and look into his eyes, not surprised to see him giving me a full 'fuck me' look. I lean into him slightly and let my other hand raise so my thumb can skim over his bottom lip. "Don't fuck this up okay?" I say in a low voice, and he instantly nods, obeying orders like the sub bitch I know he is.

I don't like him. I just love teasing the shit out of him. I pull back from him and smirk gently, biting my lower lip as I walk into the white set up for the photo shoot. Brendon follows close behind and the photographer introduces herself as Breezy. I give her a small wave and move to scratch the back of my neck. I didn't like talking to new people. It gave me the worst anxiety. That's why I was always so quiet at interviews. I just didn't want to talk to someone I had never met. My therapist told me it was because I had trust issues, but I didn't know if I bought that.

Soon enough Brendon was in front of me, his arms wrapped around my waist and his hands planted firmly on my ass. I jump slightly at that and look up at him with wide eyes before slowly wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulls me into his body, letting our skin touch as Breezy snaps a few pictures. I smirk gently and lean into him so our foreheads are touching. "You're acting like a dom. We both know you aren't. So let me take my rightful place, okay?"

I was told this was supposed to be a sexy cover, one to rival the gay porn magazines. I knew it was a good move on Sarah's part to book something like this for me. I was Americas sweetheart who never did anything wrong. When my face hit the cover of a sexy magazine, it would sell like hot cakes. Everyone would wonder what Americas sweetheart was doing naked with Americas bad boy. It was genius.

Brendon's hands were on the small of my back now, where they belonged, and my hands were tangled into his hair, pulling at it so I could press my lips to his neck and look straight into the camera. Flash.

We moved our hands around each other's bodies for a while before Breezy pulled away from the camera. "Okay now can you two kiss for me?" Brendon nods instantly but I freeze where I am. Kiss Brendon? This was a joke right? I look at Brendon and watch as he leans into me, and suddenly his lips are on mine, his fingers digging into the skin on my hips.

His lips are soft, but the kiss is anything but. I bite down against his bottom lip and tug at it as I pull back from him, only to crash our lips together once more in a frenzy. I move my hands to his ass, grabbing it so hard I'm sure there will be bruises on it tomorrow, but I don't care. The heat between us was undeniable.

Our tongues move together in a dance, rolling around each other's mouths to explore every inch, to taste anything the other has to offer. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to push him down to his knees right then and there.

Suddenly, it becomes a little too heated to be a friendly kiss during a photoshoot. Breezy clears her throat and I pull off of Brendon's lips with a soft pop. His lips are swollen from so much kissing and his eyes have darkened considerably as he looks down at my... Fuck.

I'm hard in my underwear, and when I look over at him, I can see he is too. I look at Breezy and gulp softly, my cheeks turning bright red. "I'm sorry I... He's really hot... Can you blame me?" And she just giggles in return, snapping a picture of my blush.

"Get naked." She directs, and this has to be a joke. Get naked while I have a full hard on? In front of a camera. When I look over to see Brendon's reaction, he's already kicking off his briefs. My eyes widen when I look at his length. He's big, but not as big as I am. Still, he could definitely do some damage.

It takes me a moment to get my bearings before I pull my briefs down as well, letting him drink me in before I grab his hair and pull him back in for another sloppy kiss, letting our dicks brush together before I pull back.

Fuck... He tasted so good.

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