Chapter 5: Brendon Urie, actor extrodinaire

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Brendon Urie was a fucking genius.

No, I swear. Stick with me on this one.

I have never met a person who could alter his personality so drastically in such a short amount of time. In the limo, he had been his usually annoying self. He was driving me insane any moment he possibly could, but the minute we walked into the studio for the interview and photoshoot, he became an actual human being, and believe it or not, he was fucking charming.

Brendon wrapped his arms around my waist as we walked in and I let out a soft chuckle, biting my lower lip as he whispered into my ear gently. "This is my job okay? I model for a living and if you mess this photo shoot up for me I will destroy you." Ah. There was the undeniable Urie charm. I had begun to miss it.

I look up at him with soft eyes and stop in my tracks to cup his cheek in my hand. "Aw baby.. You're so cute when you're trying to threaten me." And then I give his cheek a little slap, making him narrow his eyes at me. I pull away from him to sit down in my makeup chair, letting a woman a lot younger than me start putting foundation on my face.

Brendon sits next to me and reaches to grab my hand, tangling our fingers together gently and I can't help but smile at that. He's a good actor, thinking of the little things so we don't give our act away.

He was a good actor, and I silently wondered why the hell he went into modeling industry instead of becoming an actor, but then he looks over at me and flashes me a small smirk and I remember why. He's maybe one of the most attractive men I've ever seen in my life. His soft lips and bright eyes are alluring in the best ways. He has this look to him that would make anyone want to be in bed with him.

He must catch me staring because he bites his lip gently and lifts a brow at me. He knows he's hot, and he knows anyone in their right mind would think he's hot too. Even me. "Are you okay baby?" And he's leaning into me now, his lips pressing against my cheek. I want to slap him for that, but I can't. We have to keep up the couple act.

"I'm fine it's just..." I flash him the best bedroom eyes I can manage and let a soft smirk form against my pouty lips. "You look really fucking sexy..." I lick over my lips and let my eyes move along his body, taking in every inch of him I can. It's a game now. If Brendon wants this to seem real, it will. I knew how to act too. The makeup artist giggles and blushes slightly at my display of attraction to the man sitting besides me.

Brendon's face has a nice blush to it and I can't help but to chuckle softly at that. He looks me over and sighs softly, the kind of sigh you usually only hear in the bedroom. It grabs my attention instantly. "You look fucking hot too... Can't wait to get you home." He all but moans to me, and now it's my turn to blush. Brendon may have been the one person I hated, but when someone who looks like a god calls you hot, it tends to make you kind of giddy.

There's a soft cough from the doorway and I turn to see Sarah and Pete standing there together. Pete's looking at me with this goofy smile that makes me roll my eyes. I know what he would say to me if the others weren't around. 'You totally want to fuck him. You're totally into Brendon.' And I would deny it. Maybe I did want to fuck him, but that was only because ever since earlier that day, I couldn't get the image of him on his knees for me out of my head.

I wanted to fuck his mouth so he couldn't say another infuriating word.

The makeup artists leave and I sigh gently, knowing now I have to face Pete after having sexual fantasies about his best friend. Pete was one of those friends who could see right through you. He knew what I was thinking at almost every moment. We were too close for him to buy any lie from me.

I was surprised when Sarah spoke up first. "Bren, your manager can't make it tonight. Apparently he's setting up for you and Ryan to have talk show appearances." I groan at that and earn myself a glare from Sarah, so I shut up. "So... I've been asked to tell you even though this is a nude shoot, you don't---"

"What?" I ask in disbelief, looking at Sarah with wide eyes and suddenly feeling very self conscious of the body underneath my clothes. "Why wasn't I told that?" And now my voice is shaking, and my nerves are showing. Brendon gives my hand a light squeeze and I suck in a deep breath. I wasn't opposed to the nude shoot I just... I wasn't ready for it. If I had known I would be naked, I would have done a few sit ups first.

"It'll be fine." Brendon says with a soft smile I didn't know he could ever pull off. "I won't let them take any unflattering pictures of you." He squeezes my hand again. Some kind of false reassurance I guess.

"Since when did you become so supportive?" I ask him with a raised brow, because really, this is new coming from him.

"Since I became your boyfriend." He smirks over at me and brings my hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles softly. I pull my hand away instantly.

"Dude no one is here for you to need to do that.."

"I know." He winks at me and Pete let's out a soft chuckle, his eyes rolling as he looks back and forth between both of us.

Pete moves his eyes to Sarah and nudges her a bit as he lets out "I give them a week. In a week they will be fucking like maniacs." And Sarah nods, she fucking nods at his words like they could actually be true. An then she adds "I give them 24 hours..."

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