Super hero (past)

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Btw if yall were wondering in the last chapter harry was 5 louis was 6. In this chapter harry is 10 and louis is 11. (I'm so bad at updating 💀)

"See harry! That's why Batman is better than Superman'' Louis finishes explaining.

"Nuh uh Lou, Superman is better and no matter what you say you will never change my mind.'' Harry argues crossing his arms and looking away dramatically.

"You're so dramatic, whatever Batman is cooler. So do you have a crush on anyone at school?'' Harry just rolls his eyes looking back at Louis.

"No, what about you? I think that Eleanor girl fancies you.'' Louis won't lie, he thinks Eleanor is really pretty but she's just not his type.

"Eh she's not my type, and I don't have a crush on anyone.'' They're interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Harry, your mom is outside waiting for you tell Louis goodbye.'' Joanna's says peaking her head in through the small crack in the door.

"Oh ok, thank you. Bye Louis see you at school tomorrow.'' Harry picks up his backpack looking like he just heard his dog died and is refusing to cry about it.

"Aww I wish you could stay longer, tell your mom I said hi!'' Louis' never actually seen or met Harry's mom before but he bets she's really nice.

Harry glumly walks out of the house towards his mums car. He knows his mom won't do anything till they get home so he has time to put the pain killers he took from Johanna's medicine cabinet, and puts them in his pocket. But once they're out of view of Louis' home she starts yelling.

"Harry what the fuck is wrong with you?! You're such a stupid kid, making me come get you every time you go to whatever his name is house.'' Harry's use to it, he's been getting yelled at ever since he was 3, that's when his dad left and everything went shit. She continues yelling at her only son, he tries to block her out and instead thinks of what a great day he's had -minus his mom yelling at him- Everyday he wishes someone would save him, come get him from his abusive house he can't call home. He thinks back to the conversation he had with Louis about their favorite super hero, Louis is his super hero even if he isn't his. His house is like an escape from his mom, and Johannah is like a second mother.

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