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Excuse any mistakes:


Soon morning came and after the conversation with my mom last night just made me so sick to my stomach.

Her accusations and trying to talk me out of filing a suit, was just the icing on the cake for me. I knew I'd didn't want nothing to do with her anymore.

Then she seems so smitten with Toni and I just don't know why. All she can do is talk bad about her trying to change the narrative, my narrative of her.

My eyes were now wide open with thoughts racing through my mind. I felt an arm pull me close and held me tight against her chest.

"Rest your mind mamas. Whatever you're worried or stressing about ain't worth it. Let it go and let god do his thang, trust in him and everything will be alright. Matter a fact get up,  let's pray."

Pray? It's been so long since I have prayed. In a sense I've lost faith because I felt like god was putting me in certain situations to punish me.

"I'm not playing. Hand me your hand."

"Toni I don't know if he hears me."

"He hears us all honey." She grabbed my hand firmly and started praying.

"Heavenly Father, I come to you as humble as I know how first to say thank you. Thank you for last nights rest and for waking us up this morning. Father god I ask that you rest this young lady mind of whatever may trouble her. I ask that you restore her faith, show her grace and love so that she will fall in love with you again. God I pray for her protection of all the enemies attack. I ask that you place your angels around her lord and just cover her. In the name of Jesus I rebuke every satanic attack, every hold he think he has on her.  I give your name all the honor, the praise, and the glory. Amen."

Man that... that was real. I never heard somebody actually pray for me.

"You feel better now?"

Now that I think about it... "I do. Thank you, thank you so much. You just don't know how much that meant to me. No one's ever took time to actually pray for me, yet alone it's been awhile since I've prayed for myself."

"Sometimes all it takes is one. I hope someday your faith in him will be renewed."

"With you in my life now, I'm sure it will be..." she smiled at me then kissed my cheek.

"Come on I'll get breakfast started."

She held her hand out and I grabbed she picked me up carrying me down stairs.

"I can walk Toni."

"You're in my house, my rules. You're a queen here, so for once let someone treat you as such."

"You're a dream Toni." She smiled at me as she sat me in the chair.

"What you want to eat."

That meat that's swinging between your legs


Goodmorning to you too Janet the cock blocker.

"Whatever you cook is fine."

"Alright mama, just sit right there and look pretty." She winked then gotten started on breakfast. I took one of the roses from the bouquet she bout yesterday just admiring it.

I wish we could've met on different circumstances. I'd feel like Toni and I would be good together. She's so passionate, understanding, loving, she's handsome and beautiful at the same time.

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