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Excuse any mistakes:


Monday of all the days of the week this was the most hated one. The weekends over and the work week begins. Get ready for the mad parents, fast students, and lazy teachers. Ode to Monday, how I hate Monday's

The joy of a teacher is short lived after the first week, well... for me that is. Never in a million years would I, Janet Jackson think I'd be here, a teacher.

Slow dragging my feet into the building I gather my mail from the office and proceed to my class. With a flicker of the light realization hits me that I'm back to work oh so soon.

Turning on my monitor, I adjust my classroom to my liking as well as get some nice scents in before the lil stanking kids get here.

Writing my lesson plans on the board for each time the marker hits the board my joy goes out the window. Be a teacher they said, be a teacher...

As the 8:05 bell rung my day has now started. The hallways soon filled with loud chatter, lockers opening and closing, along with the squeaks of shoes on the freshly buffed floor. Class is now in session.

It was a light day, the ending of last week's lesson and the beginning of a new one. There was a project to follow the end of the lesson which is what I gave them working on now.

Looking through my copies of the rubric I realized I ran out. Though on top of that I received a very alarming email from one of the parents of my students concerning her child's grades.

As always we are the ones to blame, though we've reach a point in education where the child makes the decision to either pass or fail. We can lead the kids to water but we can't make them drink it.

"Malik, Malik step outside please and let me speak to you."

"Wassuh Ms. J, trynna get put on with the kid?"

"Absolutely not. You're failing Malik and if you don't get it together you'll be right back with me."

"Maybe I wanna be with you again." He reached for my hand and backed up. Two girls walked past as one gave him the most meanest look ever.

"I don't think so, you mom has called me more times than a telemarketer."

"She bugging Ms. J. Look I'll work on my grades and maybe work on something with you too."

"If you wanna have hands to fix them grades I'd back up."

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now I'm going to make some copies please keep the class together for me."

"You know I got you Ms. J." He walked back in the class as I walked to the copy room for this hall.

"Hey there pretty lady, the copy machine is down on this side, but go over to the math all I think there should be one working over there."

"Thank you." I walked what seemed like 5 miles to D hall and there stood this fine specimen.

"Hey, you have a pass?"

"A pass?"

"Yea a pass?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a new teacher here."

"No my apologies, you look so young."

"Thank you, and you yourself? You're an athlete?"

"No ma'am, I'm the math teacher on this side of the hall."

"I'm the English honors teacher from the other side of the school."

"Nice to cross paths then, I'm Toni, the kids call me Ms. Braxton or Ms. B."

"It very much is nice to cross paths, I'm Ms. Jackson, Janet's the first name."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Jackson." The whole while she was talking to me I couldn't help but stare.

She was tall, muscular, had a nice ass. Her voice was soothing, melting to my ears like liquid gold.

Mhhh what a fine woman we have in front of us, look at the muscles. It's almost as if they're busting through the shirt. Lord you sat a blessing right in front of my eyes and I personally thank you for it.

"I'm on my way." Bringing back out of my conscience we went down the halls to my class room seeing a big commotion.

She went right in trying to break it up as the two girls who walked past me while I was in the hall with Malik came up to me

"Hoe stay away from my man."

"Your man?"

"Yes my man, Malik don't wanna be seen with a washed up teachers pet like you."

"Excuse me."

"You heard bitch, stay away from her man."

"Or what? What's gonna happen?" I stepped up to the girls cause who the hell are these 1 dollar whores anyways.

Looking up to see Toni finally getting the fight broken up the two girls jumped me.

"Yo! Yo!" Toni came to my aid pulling them off of me as they jumped on her.

For a split second it felt like I was getting stomped on, kicked. I couldn't moved and poor Toni it was like she flipped, she had them girls and a tighter tuck than a drag queen. It was like she could've killed them with her bear hands.

Some students got her off of them as everyone started to looked scared at her actions.

"Everyone to the office, right damn now!"

"Get her to the nurses office now Quintay." He came grabbing me.

"Can you walk?"


"Come on."

"I don't know what could've possibly happened for those girls to do that."

"Latoya, or Casper as we call her. She thinks she's all that, when in actuality she's not. She's just a cheap hoe who sales herself when her daddy money gets low. Maureen, is literally her puppet; poor thing doesn't have a mind of her own sometimes. They're sisters and Malik is supposedly her man, Latoya's. You look new, so I get it you didn't know, but for future references if you sit beside him in class and stuff I'd just find me another seat. I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope you get better."

"Thank you, Quinton."

"It's Quintay, just call me Que."

"Gotcha." I laid on the examination table as for some reason the nurse won't hear.

"What did they hire a nurse for and she's absent."

"I'd say the same thing." Toni walked in.

"Do I have your consent to take you to the hospital?"


"Alright then, take my hand." I grabbed her hand as she picked me carrying me in her arms out the building.

"This could cost you your job, you can't just leave."

"This job, that job. Right now you're my concern." She adjusted me in her arms as we walked to her car.


"I'm sorry."

"No, it's just I think they either stomped of kicked me in my rib cage either way it hurts like hell."

"You won't have to worry about that anymore. I think a near death experience scared them straight." She got me in my her car driving me to the hospital.

Welp there goes my Monday...

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