Wolfsbane potion

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Remus had left and Peter was after him. He knew he would be at the exit bridge eating some chocolate he always kept in his pocket. "I know what you're thinking, during your transformation, when she said she wasn't alright, she preferred to meet up with Snape than come to you…" Peter spoke. "But I am sure she will explain everything to you" Peter added, his words very well calculated.

"Can we not talk about it let's just head to class" Remus sighed and started moving to herbology, his eyes searching for Alcyone but she seemed to miss the class. He hadn't had the chance to speak with James and see what Amelia was saying. Herbology was Alcy's favorite subject along with potions and it concerned him that she didn't show up.

Before he could approach James or Amelia the lesson started and Remus only kept notes so his girlfriend would keep up. His eyes were on James and Sirius that kept talking, throughout the class. He was wondering what they were talking about.

"...Are you sure? Wolfsbane?" Sirius asked in disbelief his voice
He had two people to support when he was at home, Andromeda and Alcyone, they both had different ways of coping with their family but Alcyone was the one who was faking to be neutral, perhaps she leaned to the dark lord… that's what Sirius was pondering.

"No, I refuse to believe that Alcy is looking for the recipe to poison Remus…" James spoke, his tone was angry, he wasn't sure if it was Alcyone for being so cryptic, at Sirius for thinking of it or for the fact that it actually made sense. "Look let me talk to her, you are a hothead you'll mess up. Go find Andromeda…"James spoke, trying to calm down both himself and Sirius.

"What are we going to do about Remus? He will want to know, I cannot lie to Moony" Sirius spoke he frowned lightly.

"Then don't, avoid him, it's only for a few hours" James remarked with a sigh, he felt like he should comment something about him and moony but tried to contain himself.

"How, look at him, he is keeping notes for her and she plans to kill him" Sirius spoke in a low growl when the bell rang. Remus shot up and approached James and Sirius.

"Did you read the note?" Remus asked, his gaze nervous and concerned.

"No, Lily came and took it. I am going out with Emmeline" James spoke and took a deep breath trying to change the subject. "And Lily brought it up, basically throwing it in my face before leaving." he tried to look sad but he wasn't that good of an actor.

"James, what did Emmeline and Amelia tell you. She was out last night right?" Remus asked.

"You know that already Remus, But before you jump into bad conclusions, on why she ran out with snape instead of being with you, let her talk" Peter spoke up, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Peter chill out, Amelia didn't say anything, She was kind of mad at me because of Emmeline. Emmeline doesn't know of your relationship so she said that Alcyone came back at some point and that today she wasn't feeling that well." James explained. "Amelia may come and speak to you, maybe not. I couldn't tell" he explained as Sirius slowly backed away with Marlene.

"Where is he going?" Remus asked, pointing at Sirius who didn't even come. It was unlike him.

"Well… You left and didn't see Marlene's epic fail to stop the fight and now she is mad at Sirius I guess." James shrugged his shoulders.

"Yea, she got mugged before James and Mary stepped in" Peter nodded.
Sirius was holding Marlene's hand in his as he walked down the hall. "I don't want us to go to the Slytherins, besides, your cousin will be with Ted." Marlene pointed out smartly and she was right. Sirius didn't speak, he kissed her hand before giving her a nod. She was trying to unriddle his feelings, she was sure it was hurt and fear as he immediately assumed that Alcyone is preparing to get the dark mark by killing Remus.

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