The Act

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We walked to breakfast, I could see Remus' struggle on being discreet as when we sat his hand was upon my knee. He made sure I ate, I didn't feel like consuming food after the conversation we had, therefore he made sure I ate as much as he did. He slipped his hand on the pocket of my cloak and found what he wasn't supposed to.

"And that, my love, will go to the trash can" He spoke, finding the pack of cigarettes.

"Remus... What's the point? You know I will buy a new one" I remarked and smiled at him innocently.

"And when I find it, i will take it" He added, making me huff. "You know I am right Alcy, you can't be mad" He spoke kissing my cheek.

"Want to try me?" I spoke annoyed.

"You know Black, for a Ravenclaw you are acting rather foolishly by smoking" Mary McDonalds interrupted as she and Lily, Marlene and Dorcas came down and sat on the opposite side of us.

"Not in the mood of a conflict McDonald..." I turned at the girl that sat across me.

"Oh she is right though isn't she?" Marlene winked at me.

"Oh don't we all have our coping mechanisms, i mean you play guitar and i could die next to you and you wouldn't realize it" I remarked and smiled at my bestie.

"At least she isn't smoking weed" Dorcas shrugged her shoulders.

"Thank you Dorcas" I smiled as I noticed Lily being quiet. It was like my cousin read my mind.

"Sup, Lils? You seem awfully quiet today" Sirius smiled at her.

"What? I am only tired, "she responded.

"Thank God James won't be joining us for breakfast then" I spoke and drank my juice ignoring Remus a bit.

"Why where is he?" Lily asked trying to act casual

"He is at the ravenclaw table with Emmeline" Peter spoke and pointed at his spot, he was laughing with my roommate as my other two roommates were sideying her slightly.

"Oh good, Emmeline always liked James"Lily simply spoke causing me to exchange a look with Marlene..

We didn't speak of it further as the time of the lessons soon arrived and I had potions along with Slytherin and it was time to put plan b to work. I would still find a way to help Remus one way or another. It pained me that he is so scared of that part of himself, I understood the reasons therefore I couldn't sit with my arms crossed waiting for him to come back injured after every full moon.

Plan B's first step included Severus Snape, a person I liked and disliked at the same time. The boys made his life a living hell the past years, but me and him appreciated each other mostly because of our love for potions and herbology. But it soon went south the moment my sister appeared and sat next to him. I approached her and smiled. "I believe this is my seat" I smiled at her and then made eye contact with Severus who looked like he couldn't care less.

"Oh come on Alcy, I am sure Sevy here prefers my company over yours, you are always so serious" Bellatrix smiled at me, her black curls tugged in a ponytail.

"Bella, I believe he prefers my knowledge over your company" I pointed out and looked at Severus.

"Don't look at me. I dislike family reunions and I am absent" He spoke.

"I will tutor you and do your homework for potions" I smiled and she looked at me with a mischievous smirk.

"Remember Alcy... You shouldn't get intimate with people, mother and father won't be happy..." She smiled, tagging a stray hair behind my ear and my blood went cold, she scared me with her freezing and raw attitude.

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