A Pack of Junkyard Dogs

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We neared the junkyard soon enough, and with it...Sherman, the sheriff. Bee and the others zoomed past him, and I joined them not wanting to deal with the officer. I barely could make out Cade yelling at us, but we had a pretty decent idea of what he said, specifically at me, so I just drove away as Cade got in trouble.

"HOUND! CAREFUL!" I yelled as a grenade flew over me.

"Sorry kiddo, better watch where you're goin'!" He said.

I rolled my eyes and let Razor go, walking away to cool off. That encounter had left me riled up. Any encounter with Lennox got me angry really.

I needed to do some target practice.

I walked past Side, who eyed me suspiciously. "Something wrong Ash?" He asked while crossing his arms.

"I need to blow off steam," I muttered, not even turning to look back.

He didn't need to say anything, he just followed after me, his large form casting a big shadow that shielded me from the sun. I was quietly glad he didn't question why I was in such a bad mood, I felt like I would snap at anyone that talked to me at that moment.

I kept repeating myself that I didn't care what the fucking government said or not, Lennox should have sided with the Bots, just like we have for the past few years. Even in the stupid battle at Chicago, we didn't care what the higher ups said, we went against direct orders and returned for Sam's girlfriend. It didn't matter before, why should it matter now?

We reached a part of the junkyard that had specifically been cleared out for target practice. It was subtle with only a couple of trash cans lined up in case a drone passed by, but we had to make it work.

I moved the cans around, making them act as if I was surrounded by soldiers, with Side leaning against a pile of junk to the side watching. I stood in the middle and took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment. I felt the light thrum of my heart in my chest, heard the wind whooshing by and the distant sound of the bots arguing somewhere. I tensed my grip on my blasters, drowning the noises out as I concentrated.

I whirled around and pointed my blaster at a can, shooting it with deadly precision. In my mind I played out a real battle; ducking, rolling and shooting at the cans while I imagined soldiers shooting at me rather than a junkyard. I kicked a can away and shot a pair with deadly accuracy, making them disintegrate from the force of the blast. Sweat rolled down my face as the sun beat down on my skin, flashes of Lennox making my blood boil as I got rid of each and every soldier.


I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts and memories as the ground rumbled, making me stumble. I fell on my ass and looked up to a concerned Ratchet blocking the sun and looking down at me.

"I think you've let off enough steam for today Ash," he said, his voice gentler now as I stood up.

"I'm fine," I said, sheathing my pistols as I dusted off my jeans.

I could feel Side's optics on me as he stood up. "You just said it like someone who isn't," he countered.

"Well–" I sucked in a breath, "well maybe I'm not ready to talk about it yet," I said, rubbing my arm. They remained silent as my gaze remained on the ground. "This is all shitty, it's all"

Side took a step forward and leaned down, "Ash, it's not just fucking shitty, you're fighting your own race here"

"So what?! I'm used to it by now," I spat out, digging my nails on my skin, "it doesn't seem to matter how much good we do, how many lives we saved, all we get is betrayal and loss," I said through gritted teeth, "we lost Hide for trusting Sentinel, and Sam and everyone for trusting the humans," I blinked away tears. "When does it end?"

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