Not One of Us

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"He didn't make it guys," I said as I rode Razor back to the meeting point, the talisman on my backpack, "me and Ratch are coming out solo," I informed the others.

"Copied," Yeager sighed through the comm, clearly not happy with the outcome of the rescue.

I slowed Razor down, "Yeager, we will never be able to save them all," I said, "out of ten, at most we'll save three, four if we're lucky"

"I know, I know," he huffed. "This is turning into one shitty-ass day," he grumbled.

"Language," I said playfully, trying to lift his mood up, but to no avail.

Normally Cade would reply with either a sarcastic or a grumpy comment, but he didn't. Instead his walkie-talkie was dead silent, making me think that he was too upset to even bother to respond. I sighed quietly and debated on whether to say something else or not, until Ratchet came to a sudden halt.

I pulled on Razor's reins and frowned as Ratch transformed, looking around and sniffing the air, like a hound dog looking for a scent. His nose was more powerful though, and soon Razor imitated him, his nostrils flaring before he let out a quiet huff.

"Humans..." Ratchet grumbled as Razor growled lowly.

My eyes widened as realization sank in.


I reopened my comm line to try and reach him, panic surging through my veins, "Cade?! Can you hear me?! Cade!" I was met with a loud -thump!- and the sound of men yelling indistinctly. "Shit shit shit shit shit-" I swung off Razor quickly and took out my motorcycle, "Ratch, try to locate Bee, Razor, track Yeager!" I commanded. Ratchet nodded and ran off, while Razor gurgled and quickly ran off with me in tow, while I listened closely to what was going on in Yeager's side.

"Where are the others? The ones you're hiding?" A male voice demanded. "Where are the Autobots? And Ashley Cruz?"

Cade remained quiet for a long moment, making me anxious as to his state, but he finally spoke. "I don't sell out friends," he said.

"Friends," the other male scoffed, "this is an invasion," he said angrily. "One day we wake up, and they're in charge"

Now it was Cade's turn to scoff. "Do you see anyone in charge?" He questioned the other guy, "they just keep falling out of the sky, something's coming," he paused, "and you can't shoot your way out of it"

The faint sound of a car approaching could be heard from Cade's side, and after that, everything was chaos. The sound of a turret was heard both through the comm and outside, meaning that we were getting close. More yells nearly deafened me and the loud clash of metal silenced everyone else. The walkie talkie must've rolled away because now I could barely hear Cade, and all I did hear was the sound of yelling and blasts, making me anxious.

"Come on Razor, pick up the pace!" I said. "Ratch, I think Bee intervened in whatever is going on, he must be with Cade," I informed. "BEE NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I screamed at the yellow bot through the comm in case he could hear me.

"I'll burn you so bad you'll wish you would've died as a child," Bee growled through his comm.

"HOLY SHIT BUMBLEBEE–" Me and Ratchet said at the same time at the aggressive and angry tone that the usually friendly Bot took.

"I'm on my way there!" Ratch said, just as an explosion could be heard right around the corner. I sped up and whistled for Razor to stay close and ordered him to attack on sight if needed.

We skidded across a corner and finally reached the scene, where Bee had a human pinned down and soldiers pointed their guns at him and Cade, who had a gun out as well. I gripped the handles tightly and approached without a doubt, angling to the side and throwing a few soldiers off their feet as I rammed into them, ending up next to Bee and Cade.

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