The story continues...

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It's been two years since the Age of Extinction began.

Throughout the years, governments around the world once again declared war against the Transformers, as more and more of them came seeking refuge on Earth. Together, nations worldwide formed the Transformers Reaction Force, or TRF, led by Commander Santos and my Uncle, Coronel Lennox, however, there's someone giving the orders, someone above Santos and Lennox. Who it is, no one knows, but we work excruciatingly to find out who's behind it in order to take them down.

Thankfully for us, some nations became safe sanctuaries for Transformers, such as Cuba, Peru, Spain, Scotland, Greenland, and Singapore.

Even so, it's hard to get to any of them. TRF plagues every airport, every border, and every ocean that exists. There's roughly any space that isn't monitored and/or controlled by them. Life's tough.

As for Lennox and me, we cut communication entirely.

I no longer considered him family, as far as I was concerned we were not related.

No, he was the enemy.

Now, you might be wondering, who am I?

I'm Ashley Cruz, and I'm a member of the Autobots.

Cade Yeager, an inventor I met two years ago, has helped me and the Bots throughout the years after we became illegal, consequently becoming a fugitive in the process. Tessa, his daughter, and her boyfriend Shane were left alone by the government after he cut communication with both of them. My parents too were left unbothered after I cut ties with them back in late 2017.

Jackson, an ex-Nest military soldier, joined us not long after Cade did. At first, I was skeptical of trusting him, but he proved his reliability many times throughout the years. In addition, his knowledge of weapons and capability of using them has helped us greatly too.

Not to mention, he has saved our asses a few times as well. He's got good instincts.

After jumping from state to state, we finally settled down in a junkyard in South Dakota a few weeks back. We travel around the country (or try to) with our spaceship, trying to help the Transformers that arrive on Earth. We manage to help some of them, but...oftentimes we arrive too late...

Optimus Prime, our leader, left Earth two years ago, and we constantly wonder if we will ever see him again.

We need him


These are times of great darkness, and all we can do is work and pray that better times arrive soon...along with our leader.


Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone <3

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