Chapter 11

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“Knock, knock, knock”, alerting me that someone was at the door.

"Isabeeel, I think someone is knocking at the door," my mother called out urgently from the room, her voice filled with a hint of concern.

"Cominggggg,” I made my way towards the entrance and swung it open, revealing a messenger, his shoulder bag bulging with letters.

"Buenos," he greeted me with a warm smile. "A letter for señorita Isabel," he continued, extending a small envelope towards me. My curiosity piqued, I accepted the envelope, my mind racing with questions. "Hmmm, gracias señor," I replied, my voice laced with anticipation.

"Isabel, who is there?" she asked, her voice resonating through the walls of her room.

"Nothing mamá, just a letter," I replied.

"A letter? From your papá?" she inquired, her tone filled with anticipation and a hint of worry.

"I think not," I answered, my curiosity piqued as I examined the envelope in my hands.

I hurriedly found a seat, my hands trembling with excitement as I tore open the envelope. The mixture of curiosity and bewilderment was evident on my face, for I had no inkling as to who could have sent me this letter. If it were my father, he would typically dispatch his trusted personal messenger rather than a stranger.

       My Dearest Señorita Isabel,

       I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to you today with a heart filled with both nervousness and excitement, as I feel compelled to confess my deep affection for you. My life has become a monotonous shade of gray, devoid of joy, devoid of any sense of purpose. Each day, I merely go through the motions, lost in a sea of emptiness.

I am grateful for the breaths I take, for the beating of my heart, but how can one truly say they are alive when they are merely existing? I wander through this world, a lost soul desperately searching for meaning, pretending to be content when deep down, I am consumed by a profound sadness that defies explanation.

Every waking moment is filled with an unexplainable longing, a void that cannot be filled. It gnaws at my very being, leaving me hollow and desolate. I yearn for something I cannot name, something that would bring light to the darkness that engulfs my soul.

On that night, amidst the hustle and bustle of a crowded gathering, my gaze was drawn towards a mesmerizing sight that shimmered like a radiant star. In the midst of the darkness that surrounded us, you stood out like a solitary beacon of vibrant hues, captivating my attention in an instant. Suddenly, the world around me transformed into a kaleidoscope of colors, igniting a thrilling excitement within me, while simultaneously stirring a profound ache deep within my being.

Your sandy eyes held a magnetic power, hypnotizing me with their alluring gaze. They seemed to hold secrets and mysteries, beckoning me to explore their depths. And your lips, how they called out to me, inviting me to engage in a conversation. Your charcoal hair that exuded an intoxicating scent, forcing my senses to surrender to its irresistible allure.

That's when I realize that all along, deep within my soul, there was an unexplained longing, a yearning for something that I couldn't quite comprehend. And then, in a moment of clarity, it hits me like a bolt of lightning - it was you, señorita Isabel. You were the reason behind this inexplicable desire that had been tugging at my heartstrings.

Your mere presence, your captivating aura, drew me towards you like a moth to a flame. As you spoke, your melodic voice resonated within me, leaving an indelible mark on my very being. The sound of your words echoed in my mind, and I found myself yearning to hear them again and again, as if they were a sweet melody that I couldn't get enough of.

And when I first heard your name, “Isabel”, it was as if it became intricately woven into the fabric of my memory. I found myself repeating it silently, savoring the way it rolled off my tongue, as if by uttering your name, I could somehow bring you closer to me. Knowing your name filled me with a glimmer of hope.

From that fateful night, and with every passing day, you have consumed my thoughts. Your image dances before my eyes, your enchanting smile etched into my mind, and your essence lingers in every breath I take. You have become the constant muse of my thoughts, the inspiration that fuels my dreams.

As I write down these words, I am acutely aware that my heart will forever be intertwined with thoughts of you. From the moment our paths crossed, you have become an integral part of my existence, and I cannot fathom a future where your memory does not reside in the deepest recesses of my being.

Señorita Isabel, know that from that night until this very moment, and until the very last beat of my heart, you will occupy a special place within me. My thoughts will forever be consumed by the mere thought of you, and my longing for you will endure for eternity.

I long to be in close to you, to be by your side and have the opportunity to discover every detail about your existence. I yearn to know the very instant you entered this world, the precise moment your eyes first fluttered open, and the reasons that provoke your laughter.

I am eager to learn about the unforgettable moments that have shaped your life and the dreams that have guided you to become the captivating woman you are today. I also wish to understand your pain, and I assure you that I am here to lend an open ear without passing any judgment, offering my unwavering support. Señorita Isabel, I humbly submit myself to you. I must ask once more, would you be willing to go out with me?


                 Miguel Cervantes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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