Chapter 10

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I come to a sudden halt in my steps, feeling the weight of frustration and exasperation settling upon me. Taking a deep breath, I release a heavy sigh, my voice tinged with weariness as I address him. "The last time we crossed paths, señor, it was in a secluded area, under the veil of darkness. We were alone, and now, here you are, once again cornering me, but this time in the middle of the bustling street. Are you intentionally trying to embarrass me this time?"

Perplexed, He responds with a hint of confusion, "Embarrass? How could this be embarrassing?"

"Look, señor, you sought me out in the most public of places, right here in the middle of the street, dressed as if you are in a high position on something and even riding a horse. What do you expect?"

Confusion lingers in his eyes as he attempt to comprehend my words, and he respond with a hint of sincere bewilderment, "I don't understand, señorita."

"What I am trying to say that you, who may be a wealthy man, would waste your time talking to someone as ordinary as me," I explained, hoping to bring clarity to the situation.

"I fail to understand why you find this to be a problem, señorita," he responded, once again feeling perplexed by my statement.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I pleaded, "Let's not dwell on that anymore.

"What's inside the basket, señorita?" he politely inquired, his voice filled with curiosity. Sensing his willingness to help, he kindly offered, "It might be heavy; let me carry it for you."

"No, it's not heavy at all, it's just a book," my response accompanied by a sidelong glance, deliberately avoiding direct eye contact.

His interest piqued, he continued the conversation, asking, "Do you love books?"

"Sí... Can you just please..." I began to respond, my words trailing off as he interrupted me with a sudden question.

"Will you go out with me?" he asked, his words tumbling out rapidly, his tone revealing the immense courage it took for him to pose such a question. It was evident that he had mustered up all his bravery to ask me, and his nervousness only made his request more endearing.

I am at a loss for words after hearing what he said. It completely caught me off guard, as I never expected him to ask me such a question in such a sudden moment, especially in an ordinary place, on an ordinary day, at an ordinary time.

"What did you say?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mix of confusion and disbelief. I couldn't help but repeat his question, desperately seeking confirmation that I had heard correctly. I found myself hoping, even praying, that this was all just a figment of my imagination, a mere daydream that would dissolve into thin air. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me, leaving me at a loss for words and unsure of how to respond. The truth was, I had no idea how to answer him.

He asked once more, his voice filled with anticipation and hope, "Will you, señorita Isabel, go out with me?" As his words reached my ears, a realization washed over me, confirming that what I had initially heard was indeed correct. It became evident that he was earnestly extending an invitation for us to spend time together.

"Lo siento, señor, but it's hard to ignore the fact that we barely know each other," I responded, attempting to convey my reservations. We had only crossed paths briefly at the social dancing event, barely exchanging more than a few polite words. And now, here we were, unexpectedly meeting again for the second time. It seemed almost too coincidental. Yet, my heart yearned for his convincing words, hoping that he would find a way to alleviate my doubts.

With a hint of sincerity in his eyes, he spoke again, his voice filled with a genuine longing. "I completely understand your hesitation. It may seem unconventional, but I was undeniably captivated by your beauty that night. There was something about you that stirred a deep connection within me. And now, I find myself sincerely wanting to get to know you, señorita, Isabel."

His words resonated with me, as if he had tapped into the secret desires of my heart. The sincerity in his voice and the genuine admiration in his eyes began to chip away at my doubts. Maria's words came rushing back to me, reminding me of the wisdom she had shared.

"But can you express your affection in a different way?" I suggested, my discomfort and confusion palpable in the suddenness of the situation.

"Forgive me, señorita, for my improper behavior. I deeply regret that my sudden question has made you uncomfortable, and I sincerely apologize for any distress I may have caused. I should have been more considerate of your feelings and approached the situation differently.

I assure you that I have learned from this mistake, and I am committed to showing my affection towards you in a more appropriate manner in the future. I understand the importance of respecting your boundaries and making you feel comfortable.

To redeem myself and regain your trust, I would be honored if you would allow me to accompany you on your way home. As a gesture of my sincerity and respect, I would be more than willing to carry your basket and ensure your safe journey,” he said with sincerity in his voice.

He motioned to the four Civil Guards positioned behind us, instructing them to accompany his horse and trail us from behind. With a kind gesture, he graciously carry my basket, as we made our way towards home. As we strolled along, we engaged in a delightful conversation, delving into my profound adoration for reading. He attentively listened, displaying genuine interest in my passion for literature.

Upon reaching the familiar surroundings of my humble abode, he bid me farewell with a respectful bow. As he mounted his majestic steed, a warm and sincere smile graced his countenance.

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