Chapter 22

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Charlie, Emma, and Matthew walked into Solé for a night off. They had just finished a long day of classes, and they were all looking forward to a few drinks to unwind.

Diego greeted them with a smile. "Aren't you glad you have the night off Char?" Diego asked, as he wiped down the table for them and went back to the bar because the first round was on the house. She smiled and nodded, Diego insisted she take the night off since exams were over and "she had earned the right to celebrate". It worked like a charm, it meant she wouldn't run into Alison behind the bar.

"How was your day guys?"

"Long and boring," Emma said, rolling her eyes.

Matthew chuckled. "Speak for yourself I found it quite enlightening."

Emma teased him, "Oh, enlightening, huh? Did you finally figure out how to talk to girls?"

Matthew blushed. "Hey, I can talk to girls just fine. It's know, finding the right one that's the hard part."

Diego interrupted their conversation. "While you guys figure out what you want to drink, this first round is on me."

The three friends cheered as Diego brought a tray with three shot glasses filled to the rim. They took their shots, the warmth of the liquor spreading through their bodies. Tonight was a night to forget about everything. After winter break Charlie decided she was going to take a step back from helping at the coffee shop, Alison was too confusing and she needed distance. They were nursing their drinks and discussing their recent exams as Charlie took a sip of her drink and let out a satisfied sigh.

"I'm just glad midterms are over," she said. "I was starting to feel like my brain was turning to mush."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on, you're the smartest one out of all of us. I bet you did great."

Charlie blushed and looked down at her drink. "I did okay, but I definitely had to study a lot."

Matthew chimed in, "Yeah, same here. I'm just glad I finished that article. It was a bit of a struggle."

Emma smirked. "Took you long enough. You were holed up in the library for what, like, a week straight?"

Matthew rolled his eyes. "It wasn't a week. But it was a long article and I had to interview a bunch of people, so it took a while."

Charlie interjected, "Give him a break, Em. Writing is hard work and he did get it done in time."

Emma shrugged. "I'm just teasing. I'm sure it's a great article, Matt. I can't wait to read it."

Matthew smiled gratefully at Charlie and took a sip of his beer. "Thanks, Char. And yeah, Emma, it's actually a really interesting piece about the history of this bar, believe it or not."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "I never would have guessed this place had any history, to be honest."

Matthew chuckled. "Yeah, apparently it used to be a speakeasy during Prohibition. There are all kinds of stories about the illegal booze and the undercover cops who used to hang out here."

Charlie leaned forward. "Really?"

Matthew grinned. "Of course not, I just made that up."

As the night went on, the music and alcohol pumping through their bodies, Charlie felt free and alive. She forgot about the stress of school and the pressures of adulthood, and for a little while, she was just a carefree college student, enjoying the moment.

The night flew by in a blur of laughter, dancing, and drinks. Charlie walked out of the bar, wanting space, looking to feel the cool night air on her face. She took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. She stood on the back alley outside Solé, enjoying the fresh air after a long night. She was scrolling through her phone, lost in thought, when she felt someone bump into her. She looked up to see a tall, muscular guy who was grinning at her like a fool.

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