Chapter 19

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Charlie drained the shot glass for the... Seventh time? Then set it down on the rough wooden table a little too hard.

"Relax," Emma said, sitting across from her, stirring the orange in her vodka soda.

"That's what I'm trying to do," Charlie said, shooting a look at Matthew who was on the counter talking to Olivia, to bring another round. She knew she'd regret it but she was way past that point to be honest. She needed to calm down and get her mind off Alison's relentless smile and sparkling green eyes.

"I don't think the alcohol's doing the trick," Emma said. "What's wrong?"

"How did you know you were gay?" Charlie blurted out as Emma's eyebrows popped up.

"What do you mean?"

Charlie felt jittery, like that time she and Matthew snuck out to go to a high school party they weren't invited to and her heart raced at a thousand beats per minute the entire time. "How did you know? Was it because you liked a girl or..."

Emma shook her head.

"It was a long time ago, I don't remember anymore." She lied. She did remember. How could you forget? She just wasn't comfortable talking about liking another girl with the girl she had a crush with.

Charlie on the other hand didn't want to drop the subject, she couldn't keep Alison out of her head. Her words kept bouncing off the wall in her mind: I don't like you. You should experiment with someone who actually likes you. Well maybe she will. She said she didn't like her, right? She'd put that to the test, see if likes this.

"Would you kiss me?"

Emma choked on her drink. "W-WHAT?!"

"You heard me."

Emma's face burned like the center of the sun. Luckily she was spared from the conversation.

Matthew approached the table with a tray of more tequila shots, Charlie grabbed it but made the boy lose balance and knocked it down. She tried to clean up the mess but her vision was already blurry and ended up cutting herself with a small shard of glass.

"Shit. Wait here." Matthew said and went to get help.

Firm steps walked towards their table. Charlie drunkenly looked around, expecting Diego, but it wasn't him. It was Alison. Her blazing green eyes, with the precision of a sniper, landed immediately on her. If she'd thought she might look concerned, she was wrong. All she looked was upset.

"What," she said, with sharp deliberate annoyance, "are you doing?"

Charlie looked down at herself, the hand she had used to pick up the shattered glass was bleeding a little. "We had an accident. It's no big deal, I'm cleaning it up." She slurred.

"Really?" Alison's voice was full of sarcasm. "Look at your hand, Charlie."

Matthew walked towards them and smiled softly. "I got it."

Alison didn't look at him when she said. "Sure seems like it. I got it, go tell Diego I'm taking her home and help him if he needs anything."

Emma, who up until now was hoping earth would swallow her whole, finally spoke. "I can take her home."

"But you won't." Alison replied.

Matthew interfered. "We'll stay here in case Diego needs us."

Charlie stood up and stumbled her way towards Alison. "I don't need you to babysh- babesa- babysit me." But she was barely able to pronounce the words coming out of her mouth. "And you, traitor, don't ever talk to me again."

Matthew looked like he was in pain. But with one look from Alison the boy darted towards the bar, Emma following close behind.

"Come on, I'm taking you to your dorm." Alison said patiently.

The girl crossed her arms. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Yes, you are," she said. "Come on."

"Stop telling me what to do."

"Charlie." she said in a low voice, and the sound of her name in her mouth was so intimate that a shudder ran through her whole body. The way Alison said it was full of... Warmth and patience even though she was clearly upset. "Come on."

She grabbed the blonde's soft, warm hand and followed her. Her heart was going incredibly fast and it kept beating faster with each step she took - eventually they made it to her dorm. Charlie tried so hard not to look at Alison but failed. Her gaze eventually found her piercing green eyes.

"Do you want me to take care of that?" Said Alison, her focus trailing to the strand of hair that seemed to have slipped from Charlie's ponytail and tucked it in behind her ear. Charlie looked down at the small cut on her hand and nodded. They both walked into her dorm and Charlie handed her a first aid kit her mother got her.

"I didn't know drunk Charlie was such a pain in the ass." Alison began wiping the blood. "What happened today?"

The girl swallowed, suddenly sobering up. "I don't know."

Alison didn't ask more questions. She cleaned up Charlie's hand and gave her painkillers. Next thing she said to Charlie was, good night, as she closed the door and headed to her own place.

Alison should have fallen instantly into bed that night, but despite her exhaustion, sleep remained out of reach. Eventually she pulled her sketchpad out of her backpack and started drawing, propping it against her knees. Idle scribbles at first - a detail from the old facade of a coffee shop, an empty street, a single lamppost casting a yellow pool of illumination. She drew a slender, short figure, tracing delicate features and thick wavy hair, she noticed the person she was drawing was Charlie, with the same outfit she had worn that night. She shook her head and slid the sketchpad under her pillow. No more thinking about Charlie.

She was suddenly standing on the same street she had been drawing earlier, Charlie stood beside her.

"What are you doing here?" asked the blonde.

"I came to see you."

Alison pinched her nose and tried not to lose her patience. "Are you done with the games?"

"You started them, Alison." Charlie replied. "But yes, I'm done playing."

Alison was about to reply when the brunette kissed her, as surprised as she may have been, she didn't push her away. Clearly taking this as a sign of encouragement, Charlie slid her hand behind the girl's head and deepened the kiss, parting her lips with hers. Her mouth was soft and the hand that cupped her neck was warm and gentle, Alison let herself float dizzily into the darkness and the heat, the feel of Charlie's fingers moving through her hair.

"Charlie." She moaned.

The girl began kissing her neck, then her collarbone and her breasts. She took Alison's shirt off and pushed her against a wall that had suddenly appeared behind them. Charlie wrapped her hands around her, her teeth scraping lightly at her neck as her hands worked at her waistband-

And she woke up, gasping, her heart slamming against her ribs. She was in bed and moonlight was filtering in through the curtains. Her hair was sticking to her neck with sweat and her breathing was heavy. Alison sat up and reached for her phone, it was 2:21am. What the heck was I dreaming about? She thought.

Alison could still feel the pounding of her heart in her throat, like the fluttering wings of an insect trapped under her skin and the image of Charlie wasn't helping. She decided to go to the kitchen and get herself a glass of water. Going back to bed would be hard.

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