Chapter 4

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"How was your first day?" Emma looked up from her phone when Charlie entered the dorm room.

"Horrible" Charlie closed the door behind her and sat down next to Matthew. "I'm not going back there ever again."

Matthew was so engrossed in his video game he didn't look up when he asked what happened. Emma on the other hand was staring at her. "Why? What's wrong?"

"That girl I bumped into a couple days ago at Solé is helping Diego at the bar too and she's just... Ugh."

"What did she do?"

"She was just really rude to me all the time. I don't want to talk about it, can we just watch a movie and eat ice cream?"

A spark of suspicion remained in Emma's eyes, but thankfully, she didn't press the issue. "We have a pint of salted caramel ice cream left," she said. "Legally Blonde rewatch while we finish it?"

"Always." Charlie never got tired of watching Elle Woods kick ass. "I'm gonna shower first. You do whatever you have to do."

"Finish an essay." She sighed. "Not that I'll finish it today but at least I can have something presentable soon."

"It's due in two days, Emma." Matthew said absentmindedly. "You're exaggerating."

"I'm not." She waved a hand in the air. "Go do your thing. We'll be here."

Movie night with Matthew and Emma marked a reversal in fortune, because after that shitty afternoon at Solé with Alison everything ran smoothly again. A more superstitious person might have said too smoothly, but Charlie never looked a gift horse in the mouth. She was going to milk every second of perfect weather, professor's praises and random good luck while it lasted.

Case in point: she had an interview with a local newspaper about a position as intern, even though she still had a year left.

"That's all the questions I had today," She said after Johanna, the paper's human resources director, finished describing what a typical workday looked like. She sank deeper into Solé's couch, glad no one else was around except for Diego. She didn't want to be one of those people who took obnoxious business calls in public. Unfortunately, she had nowhere else to take the interview since her roommate was with her boyfriend. "Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me."

"Of course," Johanna said, her voice warm. "I'll be honest since you're the last candidate we're interviewing. You're the best candidate I've spoken to. Great curriculum, good grades and I think you'll fit in wonderfully with the rest of the staff." She hesitated for two beats before adding, "I'm looking forward to reading about the nightlife column you're helping with at the university, sounds very interesting."

"You're going to love it." Charlie said. "I'll send it over as soon as we have it."

"Looking forward to that, Charlie. Have a good day."

She hung up with a grin. It was all she could do not to break out into a little dance in the middle of the coffee shop. "Interview went well, I take it?"

Charlie sighed, starry-eyed at the possibilities. "I think I'm gonna get that internship! Pinch me," she said. "I think I'm dream- ow!"

"You said to pinch you, kiddo," Diego said innocently. "Seriously though, congratulations. Why don't you take tonight off? Come to the bar, hang out with your friends, drinks on the house to celebrate."

Whatever pixie dust had been sprinkled, she needed a gallon of it now. "I'd love that, thank you."


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