Chapter 4: A new threat

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Y/n POV:

It's been a few months since me and Peter became Spider man. We had stopped many crimes together including guys like Mac Gargan, and a big Russian guy named Alexei Sytsevich.

But it's been hard balancing between being Spider-Man and going to school and other things. Sometimes I would show up late to school or to a date but Gwen always understood why. But since there are two of us. It spreads the job around, so if I was too busy Peter could take over for me or if he was I could.

But me and Peter have to go to school today for our graduation. But I was a little busy.

I swung through city trying to catching up with a stolen truck. As I was swinging I heard my phone ringing. "Hello." 

"Dude, where are you?" Peter replied

"I'm currently on pursuit of a stolen truck with valuables in it."

"Dude, we need you here it's about to start." I checked the time realizing I was going to be late to my graduation.

"Shit don't worry I'll be there after I get done here." I said hanging up. "I need to finish this up quickly." I managed to catch up with the truck, landing on top of it. "Come guys I got somewhere to be." I webbed the passenger out hanging him to a street light. My spider sense started going off. I looked up and saw a man and his daughter about to get hit by the truck. I quickly changed into the black suit while Jumping in front of the truck.

tendrils came out sticking to the side of some buildings. While I was holding back the truck from hitting the two. My feet dug into the ground trying to hold it back. The truck slowly came to a stop before it could hit the two. The driver tried to run but was stopped by a tendril. I webbed him to the truck so he couldn't get away.

"You guys okay." I said making sure there okay.

"Yeah thank you Spider Man." The man said.

"No problem just glad I was able to help." I looked down at the little girl who was behind his legs shaking a little. "Hey it's okay I won't hurt you." I said kneeling down. "What's your name."

"C-Cindy." She stuttered a bit.

"That's an adorable name. Maybe one day I can have sweet a little girl just like you." She smiled a bit. "I wish I could stay and talk but I got to go" I held out my hand for a fist bump. She accepted it while smiling. "Be good for your dad here."

"I promise." She said.

I walked off were the police were arresting the men. "Thank you Spider Man for assist."

"No problem." I then took off swinging away. I checked my phone see that I was so close to being late. I swung as fast as I could. As I was swinging my phone rang. "Hey."

"Y/n, where are you. We're about to start." I heard Gwen say.

"Hey Gwen, don't worry I'm almost there."

"Good, are we still up for dinner tonight?" I then remembered that we have a date for tonight.

"Yeah of course. I'm close to the school I'll see you in a few, bye love you."

"I love you too." I hung up continuing swinging.

After swinging a bit I finally made it. I quickly found my backpack Pete left for me. I quickly changed and ran over seeing everyone starting to sit down. I ran over to sitting next to Gwen, Peter, MJ and Harry. "Sorry for being late."

"Nah don't worry. You're just in time." Pete said. "So did you catch the truck." He whispered.

"Yeah. Saved two people. A man and his daughter." I replied.

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