Chapter 2: My abilities

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Third person POV:

Meanwhile At Oscrop, Norman had heard that the symbiote was stolen. He was pissed. "Was there anyone else in the room while it escaped." Norman ask.

"we don't know sir the cameras weren't working at the time." One of the scientists said. Norman let out a frustrated sigh.

"Ok but I want this entire building checked top to bottom." Norman said while leaving the room. He was already frustrated with the possibility of his company shutting down sense they needed to go back to formula for the G-serum.

Norman decided to test it on himself in hopes of saving his company. He drove to the facility and walked into the building to the lab. As he walked in the other scientist was pleading with him to rethink about this.

But Norman didn't care he needed to safe this company. Norman was strapped down and entered the test tube, the g-serum filled the tube. Everything was going well until Norman started to have seizure. The other scientist turned off the machine and ran inside to check if Norman was okay. He removed the straps holding him and started to pump his chest.

The scientist was grabbed by the neck and was thrown through the glass. Norman grabbed the suit and glider and left the facility.

Y/n POV:

I woke up to my alarm clock going off, I quickly turned around and smacked the top of it, but broke it by my own strength. I got up and stretched, I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom and started the hot water.

After my shower I saw my phone ring, I picked it up answered it. "Hey Y/n it's me, Gwen. Peter gave me your number hope that's okay." Gwen said.

"Yeah it's fine, anyways how are you." I asked

"I'm doing okay just excited about tonight." Gwen said excitedly though the phone. I was so excited too, I was finally going out with Gwen.

We continued talking for a few minutes and then hanged up. I finished getting dressed and ran downstairs, where I saw my mom and dad eating breakfast and Maggie was playing on her tablet.

"You feeling better bud." My dad said.

"Yeah feeling way better." I said with a smile on my face.

"That's good bud, also make sure you look good on your date tonight." He said with a smirk.

"Let me guess it's that girl, Gwen right." My mom said excitedly.

"Yeah Captain Stacy called me told me about it and would want us over for dinner sometime." My dad explained. My mom gave me advice about what to do and not to do. After a few minutes of talking I heard a knock on the front door.

I opened the door and saw Peter waiting. I gave Peter a hug and we both began walking to our bus stop. After a few minutes of walking I noticed Peter wasn't wearing his glasses. "Hey Pete why aren't you wearing your glasses." I asked him.

"Oh well I don't think I need them anymore. cause I tried them on and my vision was blurry." I thought about it for a moment thinking it could have been because of the spider that bit him to.

"That's odd your vision doesn't get better over night." I said. Me and Peter continued walking to our stop. But when we got there the bus started to leave. We then ran after it, the people on the bus just laughed. Peter then grabbed the banner on the side of the bus. The banner just stuck to Peter's hand, me and Peter looked at that confused.

Time skip

Me and Peter were sitting in the cafeteria talking about the assignment from the science teacher.
We talked for a few minutes until I felt something was about to happen. I saw mj walking to a table until she slipped on a puddle of orange juice. Peter seemed to notice this to and quickly got up catching her from fall. I quickly grabbed the tray and caught the food.

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