Chapter 2

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You follow the path leading back to the castle, you follow around the bend a ways to the green house. Your flat is right above the tool shed and is a small 3 room space. The bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen/living room were separated by thin walls and the door leading up to your flat had been replaced recently. It looked so out of place with the weathered wood of the shed.

Unlocking the door you trudged up the stairs and flopped down on the couch to kick your boots off. You didn't shut the door since nobody would be coming this way and the air was still warm. 'A breeze would be nice,' you thought and set about opening the many windows surrounding you. You propped open your bedroom door and bathroom door as well. Laying back on the couch you covered your eyes with your forearm and decide to just rest for the remainder of the morning.

*Back at the tree*

Snape finally pushed himself up to sit and wiped his eyes again. He looked down at the handkerchief, it was an off white color with small flowers and vines embroidered along the edge. In the corner were the initials 'M.H.B'. and he realized for the first time he had not even learned your name yet. He knew your last name, Burke, was from Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn alley, but he didn't know of any of the Burke children. "You're just like everyone else! A bully!" your words echoed in his mind, over and over. He shook his head in attempt to physically clear them. He also kept picturing your face, the way you flinched away from him. He wiped his nose on his sleeve and stood up. Walking to the lake Snape dipped his hands in and splashed his face. He waved his wand to dry his face and then again to clean the handkerchief. With a big sigh he scrubbed at his face and growled. 'Why do I have to ruin everything!' he thought angerly. He slapped himself across the face,

"Pull it together!" He hissed out loud to himself. And started stomping towards the green house.


He checked inside the green house, not really knowing where your flat would be but figured it would be attached to your class like his was. A glace around reviled several plants in all phases of growth but not a person in sight. He circled around to the back and saw a two story tool shed. All the windows on the second level were propped open and white lace curtains fluttered in the breeze.

Setting his jaw and standing up straight he marched inside and found the stairs. Upstairs he figured you would be there, probably reading. Thats what he would have done after being called stupid and silly and someone was mean to him like he was to you. He paused halfway up, you were right about him. The pit of his stomach dropped and he grabbed onto the railing to catch himself. He was a bully.

He straightened again and set his face to neutral. Clearing his throat at the top he called out softly, "professor Burke? It's Severus, I understand if you ..." he stopped as he saw you laying on the couch. Your arm had flopped off your face and you had curled onto your side facing out. He could just see your side rising and falling slowly. He turned to leave but then stopped. Frozen he listened closely and heard your soft snoring. Turning back to the top of the stairs he crept all the way up carefully and into your flat. He walked from the foot of your couch to the front and waved a hand in front of your face. You didn't move or pause your soft even breaths. He crouched down in front of you and studied your face. He had a hard time meeting your eye because he was such a coward, if he was going to move up in the ranks of either organization he would have to learn to shove his fear down and face things head on.

He watched you sleep for a few moments, your lips slightly parted. Your curls were crushed against the pillow and he noticed that you had piercings in your ear. He wondered to himself if your other ear mirrored the one he could see.

'I really need to start being more observant!' He scolded himself. You made a harsher snoring sound and rubbed your nose before settling back down. Eyes wide Snape stood up slowly and tip toed to your kitchen area. You had a simple kitchen and a small table pushed against a wall looking out the window. On the table were several rolls of parchment, unrolled, and under a large amethyst stone to keep them from blowing away.

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