Chapter 1

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In Dumbledore's office you stand, hands behind your back, as you watch him pace.

"I have no doubt professor Snape is loyal to me, I just think that having you will persuade him a little more if need be."

"You want me to become friends with him?" You ask a little confused. Dumbledore had requested you spy for him, given your pure blood status and familial ties to other death eaters, but this seemed weird.

"Well, quite honestly Miss Burke, if you could be more than friends that might help" Dumbledore spoke as if they were discussing flavors of chocolate, not going under cover as a spy and trying to sleep with someone to help you gain access to more intell and secrets!

"Sir, I don't think I could..."

"Oh don't worry too much, If all goes well the person you pretend to be will be long gone after we win this war. That is still your intent isn't it? Saving countless lives?"

Damn, he really knew how to push you!

"Yes, sir." You said with a sigh.

Dumbledore clapped his hands together, "Excellent! Then you are hired! I am sure you will be an excellent addition to our staff" the smile he gave seemed sweet and genuine but with the shadows from the candle light it made him look sinister.

*that night in the great hall, preparing for the sorting ceremony*

Professor Snape was sitting at the end of the very long table up front for staff, his head bent as he read a book under the table. Head resting in one hand, hair falling into his face despite his attempts to tie it back. You took a deep breath, 'atleast he's not ugly' you thought as you walked towards him. The seat next to him was vacant, in fact the next 3 seats beside him were. Nobody was looking in his direction and he seemed perfectly content reading alone.

Walking up to him you tapped on his shoulder and cleared your throat. Snape jumped and dropped his book on the floor. Turning to glare at you, he pushed the hair out of his face.

"Can I help you?" He hissed. You watched his hand pull his wand out of his inside cloak pocket, give it a little flourish and mutter under his breath. His book flew back onto his lap and you saw the same page as before.

"Oh, I umm... I am. I'm sorry. I was just going to ask if I could sit by you?"

His expression softened but he looked around the room suspiciously. You looked too, confused what he was searching for, maybe his friends that usually sat with him....

"Is this some kind of prank?" He whispered through gritted teeth.

"Prank? What? No! I just... I am ... I am just new here and thought maybe ...."

Snape put his hand up, "stop. I don't know who put you up to this but I am in no mood. Please leave me be. I sure there are plenty of other people you could sit next to."

Your face fell, "oh, um okay. I'm sorry. Again. Sorry" you stumble over your words and wring your hands together. Turning away you go to sit somewhere else. Unfortunately all the seats were now taken and the students were filling in the great hall doors.

Snape looked down the table and rolled his eyes "typical".

You took the chair immediately to his left and sat down. Dumbledore began his announcements, the usual stuff and then "... and also join me in welcoming our new potions professor. Professor Snape!" He paused for applause and there was a polite amount but Snape looked indifferent as he stood and took a small bow to the students before sitting back down. "As well as our new herbology Professor, Professor Burke." Another pause for applause. You stood and copied the bow Snape did but as you went to sit back down you bumped your chair and almost fell but Snape caught your arm. He pushed your chair back into place and then let go as you sat back down. He clasped both hands between his knees and stared at his empty plate. You lean towards him and whisper "thank you!" He relaxes his position a little but still doesn't look at you. 'What an odd man' you think.

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