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|15 minutes later, Sorna's room|

Sorna sits cross-legged on her bed, hair forming a circled nest around her. The puzzle box is in her hands again, and despite some progress, it feels like one step forward, two steps back. Each twist and turn make the puzzle more intricate.

Certain mechanisms and twists seem to open the box a bit, but she's in the dark about the required moves, their order, or the right alignment. With each attempt, her options shrink, adding complexity. Frustration builds as she cranks, unsure of the magic combination.

Despite trying to force it open with a hammer or pry it with a crowbar, the damn thing remains indestructible.

A cloud of frustration envelops Sorna as she digs her clawed fingertips into any available space on the box, gripping tightly. Desperation drives her to attempt pulling pieces, yearning for something to snap or break off, yet the box remains silent, offering no indication of progress.

In a defeated sigh, she resorts to repeatedly tapping the box against her forehead as if hoping the solution will somehow osmose into her brain.

Amidst her frustrated mental skirmish, a sudden knock at the door interrupts Sorna. Inhaling deeply, she dispels the irritated air around her. Tossing the puzzle box onto her desk, it clanks a few times before settling. She swiftly slips into her jumppants, trudging through her messy room to open the hatch,"Law?"

Law stands with his eyes closed, one arm leaning on the frame of Sorna's door, his forehead resting on that arm. An aura of uncertainty and almost desperation surrounds him. When he opens his eyes to meet Sorna's gaze, his face is filled with questions and concern.

Sorna senses the slight labor in his breathing, observing the rise and fall of his powerful chest beneath a half-buttoned shirt. His heartbeat echoes an irregular rhythm, alternating between quickening and slowing.

Sorna knits her eyebrows together in worry, "Law, is everything alright? You do not look well."

Law takes a shallow breath, steeling his resolve, "I need to speak to you."

Placing a delicate hand on Sorna's shoulder, Law gently guides her into the room, closing the hatch behind them. Leaning against the door, he faces Sorna, who appears increasingly concerned. She stands a few feet in front of him, holding her own hands in front of her, fingers fidgeting with her thumbs.

"I found a way to read your book..." He states, almost incomplete.

"Well... I think that's great. Right?... It will be much easier for you to find what you are looking for by having access to the text directly... But, that does not expl..."

Law interrupts her, "That's not it, I finished the first entry, the one written by Io Nessan."

Sorna remains confused, "Oh yes, that one is quite a tragedy, but it happened nearly 300 yea..."

"Sorna, please, let me get this out." Law says sharper than he intended.

Sorna abruptly closes her mouth, the worry deepening in her eyes. Her mind races, attempting to comprehend what has Law so distraught. While she acknowledges the sorrowful history of the Chimera, she struggles to understand why it would impact him so profoundly.

He averts his eyes, struggling to maintain eye contact with her as he speaks.
"In the story, Nessan said that Chimera who were captured were either enslaved, harvested, or ... breeders..."

He pauses, trying to find his next words, "Sorna, we're you..."

"No." Sorna states, without a shadow of a doubt, taking a seat on her bed after realizing the gravity of the conversation.
"Chimera do not sexually mature until 19 or 20 years of age. They were transferring me to the breeding ward when I came of age, and I used that opportunity to make my escape. Chimera can not conceive under extreme stress, so the harvesting had halted for some time, and I was allowed regular sleep to physically recover. I used this strength to break out."

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