This is What Trust Looks Like.

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|Two weeks later, early morning, Captains Quarters, Polar Tang|

Law looks exhausted as he rakes a hand through his disheveled hairlooks exhausted and rubs his qeary eyes, the weight of sleepless nights evident in the shadows beneath them. The dim glow of the desk lamp illuminates the worn pages of his fifth 'Myths and Legends' book, its spine creaking as he closes it. Three more hours have gone by, leaving him with nothing to show for work.

The abandoned medical journals and history texts, now scattered haphazardly around him, show his failed attempts to find the information he seeks. Each avenue explored has proven to be an absolute dead end. Despite his reluctance to admit defeat, weeks have gone by, and Law hasn't unearthed even a hint of the knowledge he seeks.

'It's lucky Bepo has an extensive library of mythological texts. I guess he can't be afraid of ghouls and Hobgoblins if he doesn't know they exist.'

A faint smile at his timid friend's ironic interest in the unnatural draws on Law's face.

'Know thy enemy, I suppose.'

'Bepo thinks if I know what I'm looking for, I can find the answers in these books. Based on her abilities, he thinks the survivors of her race may have made their way into ancient religious texts even if Chimeran isn't explicitly written.'

Maybe I don't know what I'm looking for... I haven't found shit... I should talk to Sorna again, but after the last session...'

"...They just haven't made name
of your price yet..."

Sorna's words replay incessantly in Law's mind, sowing more than just a seed of doubt. They carry a heavy implication that unsettles him as he grapples with the realization that her words are more than mere skepticism. With each repetition, his unease deepens, for her words are tinged with the wisdom of a painful lesson-a lesson learned the hard way.

'I'm not sure how to approach her. Every line of questioning seems to be an emotional land mine. She seems forthcoming. For the most part, she doesn't hide behind her secrets. With enough trust and enough work, I think she will even help me.'

Given the constant presence of the black-handed woman in his dreams, Law considers discussing the matter with Sorna. Night after night, this woman invades his sleep, mercilessly stealing any rest he manages to find. Driven by the weight of his curiosity, he feels compelled to seek answers from Sorna about this haunting figure that refuses to let go of its hold on his nightly routine.

'Her guard has been up since then. She has barely looked at me, and she still isolates from the crew. She'd like a fortress when the gates are down everyone is welcome in her kingdom, but when they're up anyone is liable to be fed to the crocodiles. I need to find neutral ground ground for us. This sub is clearly making her feel cornered...'

'We need to make landfall'

Law reflects further and decides to inform Bepo so he can prepare.

In the dining hall, Sorna navigates the sea of people with an elusive grace, reminiscent of the unpopular kid skulking through the halls of school. Her attire is a curious mix: a black cropped halter tank, a rather questionable cream jumpsuit worn as makeshift pants, and high-rise bikini bottoms peeking above the makeshift waistband created by the sleeves of the jumpsuit tied around her hips. A rebellion of white camouflaged hair sits atop her head, fashioned into a haphazard bun, with sunglasses casually perched like a headband.

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