Back in to the past?

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"Come on,Out with it..."

"You seriously got me there, huh fyodor-kun?~"

Fyodor's smile dropped, "Avoiding my question,now are we?"

The room went quiet. THE Dazai Osamu, THE suicidal maniac, THE former mafia executive ,THE childish man who loved teasing people, had finally lost his words.

For the first time in his life he was unsure what to do. Unsure what to say. Sure, you can say in the Port Mafia he wasn't doing anything by himself and was being ordered and that means he wasn't actually doing anything.But the brunette just did what he was supposed to do to keep him from not getting abandoned, and finally leaving his life with a slow,painful and agonizing death by getting choked by someone or something like that.

So Dazai Osamu did the thing that he could only do.The solution was tha-


(R u kidding me rn Ranpo?-)

THe silence was soon broken by the pouting detective snacking on some sugary crystal candy in the back of the cold room.Getting closer and closer to Fyodor by stomping up to him.

"mmmm.Oh cowme owwnnnnnn.I nweed to gwet to work now where is my snwacks????"A pouting detective stormed over to the russian guy."Oh but Ranpo? Your eating snacks already?"

Dazai joined in "And what work? Most of the time all you do is laze around and eat snacks and play games" Returning to his normal self he paused and started to continue.

"Oh and you gossip alllll the time about our love stories with Yosano-sensei and- oh right! You always go on over to that Poe guy with the Raccoon-"

"SHHHHIUUUTTTTTT!!!!!" Ubruptingly cutting off dazai to a stop.

"Keep using those excuses of yours too!" Smiling once again and not listening to Ranpo's warning he continued on

" You know Ranpo-san.......Nobody actually believed you when you say 'I'M GOING OVER TO POE ''S TO UH.......*whispers* what was it again poe?' 'Poe: I don't know Ranpo-kun...!!! MAybe advice?' 'Ranpo:LIKe i'd ever ask advice from YOU Poe....EHEM TO ASK ADVICE FROM HIM!!! That would work right?' 'Poe:But Ranpo-kun You just too my advice- *Sigh* Yea I think that would work' Then closing the door loudly."

"Shut up or else i'm telling everyone abt u and Chuuya-"

Putting his hand up to his mouth and making a zipping sign.After locking his mouth and throwing the key away he said " What? Why? I didn't say anything Ranpo-sann!~"

"Good, now me and the Russian rat- I mean, the Russian guy have to be going now byeee!" Closing the door behind him he left with a loud bang.And with that the room was empty again. No person was in the room.

Dazai isnt human after all....









"Somebody come by?"

It was hours later when Yosano-sensei had come by.Hours....Hours of being alone thinking of suicide.THinking of how much he wanted to die.THinking 'How am I still alive?'

Of course! We all knew the answer.

'stupid Mori......Saving me when I was about to die....' God you don't know how much Dazai hated that guy.But at times...he does....he does miss him.....Mori was like a father to him.He never left his side.Even when he knew he wasn't human.Weird huh? It's weird how Dazai misses him.Even though he tortured him so much and put him in all sorts of different kinds of pain.....

There was a day that Dazai once wished 'Somebody please help me'.He never thought it would actually work,so he didn't really specify the wish but.....heh...Let's just say that he knew to always specify a wish juusstt in case it came true.

Dazai pov:

I should be grateful.

Grateful that somebody even wanted to take me in.Everybody passed by me not even batting an eye at me.THey didn't care....not like Mori did.

So then why did I leave without a thought?Why did I leave without a hesitation?

Why didnt I tell Odasaku 'Maybe I will in a few years' was it because it was his last dying wish? But I saw muitple people dying in my life.Heck I even want to kill myself!Then why......

"O-Odasaku.......It hurts....It hurts Odasaku....Without you without the Port Mafia....."

Oh who am I even talking to? Still I went on

"Odasaku?If you can hear me....Can I go back? Maybe it's better for me!I dont...I dont deserve any of this a-anyway...."

With tears in my eyes I was finally able to choke out a

"Maybe it's time for me to go back huh?"


Faded Happiness {Dazai angst}Where stories live. Discover now