Chapter 21

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Light smut ahead for all you dirty minded people :P

"You WHAT? What the hell do you mean you and Austin are back together?" Shayley screetched, a little too high pitched for my ears liking.

"As in, we're back together, boyfriend and boyfriend again." I sighed, rubbing my poor abused ears. My grandparents took the news relatively well, I mean my Nana freaked a bit, and gave me a good fifteen minute lecture and threatened to beat Austin with a frying pan, but in the end they just settled for agreeing to be civil for my sake, as long as I was happy.

"Are you freaking insane? You rememeber where the hell you ended up because of him right?"

"Of course I do, but, in short, Karen convinced me to talk to him, to get closure, after that I was ready to wash my hands of him, I think, but then Ronnie happened."

"What do you mean 'Ronnie happened'?"

"He threatened Austin, saying if Austin didn't go back to him, be the old Austin again, then he'd come after me again. But, this time, instead of Austin trying to fix it himself, he...he came and spoke to me, he told me everything and that's when I realised something. I realised that, although yes Austin hurt me, and he deserves some of the blame as for what happened, all along all Ronnie wanted to do was destory me. Austin was an easy pawn to use against me and he used him to his full advantage when he realised Austin wasn't going to play his games anymore. That's why he sent the video, because Austin refused to carry out his sick ass game and he was pissed, so he took me down the only way he could think of. Me and Austin never stood a chance, because we where both so blind to realise the storm hanging above our heads, the war Ronnie was raging against us. We had a long talk, and we agreed to start again. We acted as if we'd first met for an entire week, kept our distance, because I still couldn't quite trust him again, but then he stood up for me yesterday. In front of everyone, he made himself a target, he made himself vunerable, a-and you don't just do that for anyone, so, when I ran off, it was to run after him and I realised that I loved him Shay. I-I'm not going to give up on Austin because of Ronnie, I'm not going to let Ronnie ruin one of the only good things in my life, I'm not going to let him destory the one thing that made me happy again. I won't let him win, all I want is to be happy, and Austin makes me happy."

Shayley let out a long sigh. "And what if this was their plan along? What if it's another trick Alan?"

"It's not, but even if it is, it's just a risk I'm going to have to take, but I doubt it is."

"I hope to god you're right Alan, I-I can't see him hurt you again, I care about you and seeing you like you where, it was killing me, I can't do that again."

"I understand." I nodded sadly, I felt bad knowing that these past few weeks I'd put Shay through so much pain because I was so miserable, I never wanted to hurt him. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for you doofus, just be careful. Oh, and don't expect me to like him, or be nice to him either. I'll bite the bullet, for your sake, but don't expect me to be thrilled about it."

"Thanks Shay." I gave him a small smile before reaching out my arms and hugging him.

"You're welcome, you owe me."

"Name your price." I chuckled softly.

"Hmmm I'll think about it and get back to you with that one, now, where's this ice cream you promised me?"


"So, how did Shayley take it?" Austin asked, pulling me into his arms as we sat on my bed with the TV playing the sounds of The Big Bang Theory.

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