Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry this one's just kind of a filler but the next chap will be much more...intresting :P Oh and uh sorry for all the time skips, I just didn't want to drag it out ya know? So yeah, bare with me lol!

**Two weeks later**

Austin's POV

I sat on the end of my bed, my head in my hands, Ronnie was expecting me in half an hour for an 'update' but I had no idea what to do. The obvious answer would be for me to tell Ronnie to go do one...but I knew if I did that, he'd follow through on his promises...the promise to tell my mom everything, to tell Alan. There was also the fact he would be beyond pissed, and would go out of his way to make everything so much more worse for Alan, and for Shayley. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I...I just can't loose them, without them I'm nothing, without them, I didn't see the point in living. What was I going to do? I should've never agreed to this...but then again, I had no idea that this perfect little ginger was going to make me fall for him the way he has.

It was just supposed to be a simple job, trap him, get what I needed and get out. But no, he had to be so beyond perfect, the way I felt when I was around him, when I was speaking to him. The butterflies he made me feel, the way when he touched me, my skin felt like it was on fire, but the good kind that made me crave more. The way his kiss left me feeling as if I was on cloud nine, the way it left my lips tingling and left me breathless. The way every little thing he did captivated me in way's you couldn't even imagine. The way his ginger hair fell perfectly around his face, the way his beautiful brown eyes held so much...depth. The way I could get lost in them if I dared to make eye contact, if only for a second. The way he was so damn sassy with me and how he could act like a total drama queen. The way, when he was talking about something he was passionate about, he would be so...animated and when you tried to say something bad about it, he would defend it like his life depended on it. Just...everything about him was adorable, cute and just down right perfect. Everything about him, I just...I fell in love with...I fell in love with him.

I couldn't face Ronnie, not tonight, so I shot him a text saying I had to stay home for my mom and if it was okay to meet up with him tomorrow. Judging by his reply, he brought it, saying to be there at midday, no later and I better have something to give him. Tomorrow would be okay, it was Saturday tomorrow, so Alan would be at work, and I could still see him after work. I let out a fustrated sigh, I honestly had no idea what I was going to say, or anything, but at least I now had a little more time to think about what the hell I was going to do.

"Hey mom, dad, do you mind if I go to Alan's?" I asked, walking into her room downstairs where she was sat watching something on the TV with my dad.

"Of course not dear." My mom smiled. "Go on, go have some fun, I'm happy you met Alan...he's...he's really changed a good way."

"You have no idea." I let out a light chuckle. "Thanks."

"Be safe and use protection!" My dad called as I turned away.

"Oh my god Dad! We haven't even-"

"Yeah, yeah, if you say so, even if you haven't, you will, and when you do..."

"Okay dad, I heard you loud and clear!"

"I'm just saying, I know you guys can't get pregnant but..."

"Woah, okay, enough I'm...I'm going to go now."

"Have fun!" They chimed together and I quickly made a bee line for my car. I loved my parents to death, but I swear they could be so cringe worthy sometimes.

"Oh, hello Austin!" Alan's nana smiled as she answered the door. "Alan didn't mention you two where doing anything today?"

"Oh, we weren't going too, but I thought I'd suprise him."

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