Chapter 6

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"Do we really have to watch a chick flick?" Austin moaned as we pulled into his drive way. His house looked nice, small, but eloquent, white stone, with white framed windows. Two double windows at the top, and one bay window at the bottom, on the right side. There was a white door, to the left of the bottom window, with a little black knocker, and black door bell to it's side. It all looked clean, and well kept on the outside, and there was a small grass patch, just under the bay window, with beautiful blooming purple Peruvian Lily's, blue Forget-Me-Not's and white roses lined neatly at the back. From what Austin had said, about his stressful home life, I wasn't quite expecting everything too look so well kept.
"Yes we do, you said it was my choice, and It's a great movie, don't knock it until you've tried it!"
Austin chuckled. "Alright, alright, I guess it wouldn't hurt if it makes you happy. Come on, let's go inside."
"W-who did the flowers?"
"Oh, my mom. Although she's sick, sometimes she feels strong enough to do small things, and she's always loved gardening. She's always planted those three flowers, her favorites, right there, since we moved here when I was young. It makes her happy, I look after them when she's not well enough too."
"That's really sweet." I smiled at Austin, noticing the sad look on his face I instinctively rubbed his back. "I'm sure she feels very lucky to have you as a son."
"I dunno." He sighed. "I'm not sure I'd be proud of me."
"We all make mistakes Aust."
"I guess, come on, let's go in." He dug out his key and opened the door.

Inside I was greeted to a stair way on the left, which lead to the upstairs, a long, but wide hall way which held four white doors, three on the right and one directly ahead. The floor was carpeted in an soft, egg white carpet, and white walls, which held pieces of art in between the doors.
He opened the first door and signalled for me to follow him. I was a little hesitant, but followed anyway, It had been a long time since I'd met anyone's parents. In fact, the last time I'd met someone's parents was four years ago when I made friends with my old friend Andy at school.
"Austin you're home." A tall woman, who was maybe just a tiny bit shorter then Austin, who had golden brown hair, tied up in a pony tail smiled. I guessed, this was his mother, I could tell, one, she looked like him, but in female form, two, she looked unwell. She was still beautiful, but you could see it in her eyes and face.
"Mom, what are you doing out of bed?" Austin asked concerned.
"Well, I was feeling a little better, so I fancied getting out of that damn bedroom. Plus, I wanted to look nice given you have a friend over, Alan right?" She turned to me.
"Yes ma'am." I nodded with a small smile.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you finally, Austin's told me a lot about you."
"He has?" I asked, shocked, I'd expected him to mention me, as I was coming over, but not say much.
"Oh yes, I'm glad my son's finally made a nice friend, I don't approve much of those other...boys. I think, personally they're bad influences. But you seem lovely, and you've seemed to have a good effect on him, he's been much calmer since you two met. "
"Okay mom, you can stop embarrassing me now, yeah?" Austin blushed, it was the first time I'd ever seen him blush, it was adorable.
"Oh darling, that's a mothers job you know." She kissed his cheek. "Your father just popped to the store for me, he'll be back soon."
"He left you alone?!"
"No, no, Laura my nurse is here, she's just in the kitchen. Would you boys like anything to eat or drink?"
"I'm okay thank you." I answered politely.
"I'm okay for now thanks mom, you sure you're feeling okay? We can watch the movie down here with you? I'm sure Alan won't mind."
"Oh not at all dear, I'm fine, plus I think I'm going to eat and then pop back to bed, I don't want to tire myself out now do I?"
"Okay, but please call me if you need something."
"Of course dear, now go have fun, but...door open Austin Robert!"
Robert? I never knew his middle name, I had to stifle a giggle.
"Jesus mom, really? Not cool." Austin groaned.
"Yes really, now go on. It was lovely to meet you Alan."
"And you Mrs. Carlile." I smiled, nodding my head politely.
"Come on, let's go before I beg the ground to swallow me whole. I love you mom."
"I love you too now off you pop!" She waved her hand and Austin lead me upstairs.

The Dare to Destroy ~Cashby~Where stories live. Discover now