Chapter 31

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It is Thanksgiving morning. Carter and I woke up around 8 am since we were going to help his mom with all the cooking. But Tracy got a head start because as we made our way downstairs, we were hit with the smell of deliciousness.

Carter and I enter the kitchen and see Tracy and Lucy cutting up some vegetables.

"Good Morning," I greet them as I walk over to them.

"Good Morning Lucy says with a beaming smile.

"There is some coffee over there if you are interested," Tracy says, pointing towards the coffee pot.

I nod gratefully while making my way over to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup. I look at Carter.

"Do you want a cup?" I ask him while he nods, and I hand him the cup I had poured already. I pour myself another cup and walk back over to the girls.

"When you're done with that, wash your hands and then give us a hand. We need all the help we can get, Brynn," Tracy says. I nod towards her and start to chug my coffee down. Tracy means no funny business. She seems very passionate about her cooking. I love her for that

"Carter, You and John are on kid duty today," Tracy says to Carter, and I see him make prayer hands and look up at the sky.

He is such a dork.

He walked into the living room to play with the kids as I started cooking with Tracy and Lucy.

I had such a fun time with the girls. We got to know each other better, and I definitely see where Carter gets his sense of humor from. Tracy is one funny lady.

From not knowing how to cook, I feel like a master in the kitchen now. I love cooking now, especially now that I know what I am doing. Thank god Carter has a full kitchen at the hockey house because I will definitely be using it now.

It was around 4:00, and we finally finished cooking everything. The boys did a good job occupying the kids. They played in the backyard, watched a movie, and went to the park, and I was able to put them down for a nap with a single tear shed.

All the girls went up to their rooms quickly to get changed and freshen up. While we were getting ready, the boys set the table for us, which was nice of them.

When we got back downstairs, I had to go around the table and fix it because they had put the forks and knives out but had no plates and napkins. They should have known.

I really feel like I am part of the family. They are so welcoming, and they treat me like one of their own. I think I fit right in. That makes me very happy.

We all take a seat around the table. I sit down, and Carter sits to my left while I have Addie sitting to my right. This little girl doesnt want to leave my side, and I love it.

"Alright, let's go around the table and say what we are thankful for," Tracy says as she starts.

"I am thankful for my family," Tracy starts, and then John, Lucy, and Lauren try, but she doesn't really understand. The Addie went

"I am tankful for Elsa," She says as she holds up her Elsa doll. We all laugh

Now it's my turn "Um, I am thankful for all of you letting me join your family this year," I say, and they all say I'm welcome back anytime, which made me smile. I look over at Carter since it is his turn.

"I am thankful for my family, but more importantly, I am thankful for my girl, and I thank you for bringing me so much happiness over the last few months," he says, looking at me. I blush, and I feel myself tear up. I hear everyone in awe, but I am lost in his eyes.

He leans in and gives me a kiss, but it is cut short when I hear a little girl to my right.

"Yucky," Addie says, and we all laugh.

We then start to eat.

When we all finished eating this delicious meal, I heard John cough and start to stand up.

"I would like to make an announcement. Well, we have to," John says as he reaches for Lucy's hand, bringing her up to stand next to him.

All of our attention is now on them.

"Go ahead, babe," John says to Lucy.

"Okay, well, I'm Pregnant!" She says in excitement We all stand up and congratulate the two of them.

"Congrats, brother, Better be a boy this time. Don't get me wrong, I love my nieces, but If I have to hear another Disney song, I might lose it," Carter says jokingly to his brother as he laughs.

I make my way to Lucy "Congratulations!! How far along are you?" I ask her

"About two months in," She says

"Wow, you are coming along," I tell her, and she laughs.

We all sit down and talk about her pregnancy and eat Tracy's desserts she made. I now know why she has the best bakery in town. All her desserts are so amazing.

At the end of the night, after we all helped clean up the kitchen and everyone headed to bed, Carter and I sat on the porch swing on the front deck, snuggled up together for warmth with a blanket draped over our legs.

"I am so excited for Lucy and John," I said to him.

"I am, too. I can't wait for another niece or nephew," He says as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm really having a good time here," I say, cuddling into him more.

"Me too, I never want to leave," He says as I hum in agreement.

It's silent for a little bit as we stare off at the stars.

"Brynn," Carter says, looking at me.

I sit up to look at him.

"Yeah," I ask.

He looks me in the eyes.

"I love you," He says to me with a shy smile.

Did he just. Yeah, he just said those three words I have been telling myself over and over again in my head, wanting to tell him.

I didn't know what to say at that moment, so I just kissed him.

I smash my lips at him, and sparks are flying.

I pull back and look at him "I love you too," I say with the biggest smile in the world.

He smiles as well and kisses me again.

Now, this is how you end the most perfect night.

They did it! They finally told each other they love them!! ah I ship them!!
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word count -1164

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